I didn’t receive my newsletter!
The 55+ Club newsletter is sent by email every two months by email OR if requested, we will send it by postal mail. Newsletters and email notices are sent by Becky Aud 321/773-6458 or [email protected]. Please add her information to your contact list to ensure receipt of these notices.
If you do not have an email, your newsletter will continue to be postal mailed to you.
**If you DO have an email address and you HAVE NOT been receiving email announcements from the 55+ Club, it’s probably because we have an incorrect email address for you!!! Please make this correction.
Things to do…
- The Happy, Healthy Heart exercise class for Seniors
- Hatha Yoga: Chair Yoga, Qi Gong/Tai Chi, Have Fun, Stay Fit Aerobics; Indoor Walking Group; Basic Line Dance & Beginner Line Dance
- Piloxing, Zumba Gold
- Sea Turtle Walks: Training Program to Aid Sea Turtles
- Beach Clean-up/Trash Bash
- Satellite Beach Farmers Market, every Thursday
- Satellite Beach Police Dept. Volunteer Program “Stop By & Say Hi”
- Volunteers in Motion (senior transportation)
- Painting & Watercolor
- AARP Driver Safety for seniors
- Adult Pickleball
- Tennis
- Join a club
- Cards & Games
- Lunch & Learn
- Boating Fundamentals
- Raquetball
- Hawaiian Hula Dance
- Bi-Monthly Eco Tours
- Volunteer – anywhere!!!
You can find out more information and or registration for many of the programs listed above by calling the Satellite Beach Recreation Dept., 321/773-6458 or go to their website at [email protected]
Samsons Island Boat Tours
The ever-popular Samsons Island tours are back! The city provides transportation to and from Satellite Beaches very own 52-acre conservation area and nature park. Due to increased popularity and limited availability, reservations for the city boat are required ahead of time. Reservations can be made online at the Recreation Department’s webpage: www.satellitebeachrecreation.org City recreation staff will shuttle passengers over to the island on the first Sunday of every month at 1:00pm (weather permitting). A volunteer workday is also available on the third Sunday each month, for those looking to get their hands a little dirty.
Lifelong Scholar Society
Florida Tech’s Lifelong Scholar Society is a community of curious minds who are passionate about sharing knowledge. Throughout the year, the society hosts a series of lectures. We are pleased to announce that our lectures will be at the Folliard Alumni Center. We will continue to have a virtual option for those who would still like to remain safe at home. Topics range from historical writers and contemporary art to the Florida habitat, space exploration, and more. Join us and become part of a world of exciting people!
Please join us for our upcoming Lifelong Scholar Society – Thursday Night Lectures. By utilizing a hybrid format with March 31 marking our return to in-person lectures and maintaining the virtual component via Zoom, this allows for the participants to join us globally. The virtual portion will be similar to the past couple of years, both by presentation and level of engagement. We look forward to “seeing” you, whether in-person or virtually!
Go to this http://www.fit.edu/lifelong-scholar-society/events.php or call 321/674-8382 or email [email protected]
Legacy Club
This is a free program created by Brevard Public Schools for members of the Brevard community 55 and older. The program allows free or reduced admission to sporting and theater events at Brevard Public Schools during the school year; and access to a lecture and learning series too. For more information or to join go to www.brevardschools.org or call 321-633-1000
There are a few FREE options for you!
Satellite Beach Sports & Recreation Park at the Satellite Beach Sports & Recreation Park, by the SB Library, 3 times around the landscaped sidewalk surrounding the park is 2 miles.
Desoto Park, Desoto Pkwy Desoto Park offers multigenerational exercise equipment and 4 times around the sidewalk surrounding the fountain is roughly a mile.
Satellite High School Track Open for Public Use the City has an agreement for residents to be able to use the refurbished track for exercising! Tuesday & Thursdays 3:30-Sunset and Saturdays & Sundays from sunrise to sunset Unless being used by the school.
NOCA – National Commission on Aging
We believe every person deserves to age well. Since 1950, we’ve been improving the lives of millions.
We were the first national voice for older adults. We helped end mandatory retirement. We advocated to secure Medicare, Medicaid, and the Older Americans Act. Local organizations turned to us for support as they served older adults every day. And we built digital tools that empower older adults with knowledge.
Now, we’re stepping forward to do even more. Americans are living longer, but far too many are being left behind without the resources to age with dignity.
We’re changing that.
We believe aging well is something every American deserves—regardless of gender, color, sexuality, income, or zip code.
We will deliver the resources, tools, best practices, and advocacy our nation needs to ensure that every person can age with health and financial security.
That’s our renewed promise to you. You have an even stronger ally.
Because aging well for all is a matter of equity. A matter of dignity. And a matter of justice. noca.org
AARP Driver Adults 50 years and older
Instructor John Keine 904-501-231l. Pre-registration required. Classes in Melbourne (Library) and Viera. Schedule to be announced for contact Aging Matters.
PROJECT LIFESAVER – 321-264-7755
Designed to track and locate lost individual with Alzheimer’s Dementia, and related disorders – provided thru the Brevard County Sheriff’s Office. If application is accepted Project Lifesaver Bracelet will be issued and recorded. Cost is involved – application available thru TRIAD by calling 211-Brevard at 321-6688 or download at BrevardTriad.org
Resource Center for Disability Solutions – Transportation Program
Formerly Space Coast Center for Independent Living, Resource Center for Disability Solutions provides free transportation to medical and legal appointments, as well as grocery shopping, for registered consumers. Services: Non-Emergency Medical Transportation, Senior Ride Programs 321-633-6011 x105
AGING MATTERS 321-639-8770
A non-profit lead agency for home and community based senior service includes home and community-based care – i.e., home-making, personal care, companionship, respite, audit, day care, pest control and emergency alert systems, senior & vet transportation. Additional stats – installs builds and installs ramp, bed rails, grab bars.
Exercise class – improve bone and muscle strength and better balance – 3 times weekly – Melbourne Civic Center.
CLEAR CAPTIONS 888-870-8114
Issued in home captioning telephone equipment (free) for hearing impaired. Requirement application plus Healthcare Professional to complete form.
The Emergency Alert System (EAS) is a national public warning system that requires radio and TV broadcasters, cable TV, wireless cable systems, satellite and wireline operators to provide the President with capability to address the American people within 10 minutes during a national emergency.
Broadcast, cable, and satellite operators are the stewards of this important public service in close partnership with state, local, tribal, and territorial authorities.
FEMA, in partnership with the Federal Communications Commission and National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, is responsible for implementing, maintaining and operating the EAS at the federal level.
Types of Wireless Emergency Alerts
Presidential Alerts are a special class of alerts only sent during a national emergency.
Imminent Threat Alerts include natural or human-made disasters, extreme weather, active shooters, and other threatening emergencies that are current or emerging.
Public Safety Alerts contain information about a threat that may not be imminent or after an imminent threat has occurred. Public safety alerts are less severe than imminent threat alerts.
America’s Missing: Broadcast Emergency Response (AMBER) Alerts are urgent bulletins issued in child-abduction cases. Rapid and effective public alerts often play a crucial role in returning a missing child safely. An AMBER ALERT instantly enables the entire community to assist in the search for and safe recovery of the child. Law enforcement assembles descriptions and pictures of the missing child, the suspected abductor and any other helpful information.
Test Messages assess the capability of state, local, tribal and territorial officials to send their WEAs. The message will state that this is a TEST
AMBER ALERT is a voluntary partnership between law enforcement agencies, broadcasters, and transportation agencies to activate an urgent bulletin in the most serious child-abduction cases. The goal of an AMBER ALERT is to instantly enable the entire community to assist in the search for and safe recovery of the child.
PURPLE ALERT Plan thru Florida Department of Law Enforcement – If one has a loved one missing contact the local law enforcement agency immediately. If determined the case meets the criteria it will contact the FDLE clearing house for action.
SILVER ALERT used in the event of a missing elderly person with mental deterioration.
Note: All alerts go to the Missing Endangered Persons Information Clearinghouse – info is sent to one’s home by computer, cellphone or e-mail service. Also electronic signage on our interstate system are activated.
National Suicide Prevention Prevention Lifeline at 988 or 1-800-273-8255 – help offered to individuals struggling with suicidal thoughts.
BAFI provides fee-based Non-Emergency, door-to-door transportation services throughout most of Brevard County for qualifying life sustaining trips.
Included are trips to/from: Adult day care, medical or dental appointments; therapy; behavioral health counseling; pharmacy trips; grocery shopping; and other vital health services.
Transportation may be provided to or from: a residence; BAFI adult day care facility; nursing home; hospice; assisted living facility or licensed family care home.
Transportation Rates
BAFI one way $10 Round Trip $20
Non-Emergency Transportation (Based on distance from pick-up to destination)
0=10 Miles – $32 Round Trip
11-20 Miles – $64 Round Trip
21-30 Miles – $96 Round Trip
31-40 Miles – $128 Round Trip
*Over 40 Miles – call for pricing
What is Project Lifesaver?
Project Lifesaver is designed to track and locate lost individuals. The program serves families living with Alzheimer’s Disease, Dementia, Down Syndrome, autism and related disorders. Through the aid of the Brevard county Sheriff’s Office state-of-the-art tracking devices provide ground and air coverage throughout Brevard County.
How Does the Program Work?
Project Lifesaver provides individuals with a personalized radio transmitter bracelet. When an individual is reported missing, trained law enforcement locate the transmitter signal using both air and ground tracking receivers. This proven radio technology has enabled quick recovery times averaging less than 30 minutes. Families are quickly notified and reunited!
Applying for a Project Lifesaver Bracelet
Applications for Project Lifesaver bracelets are processed through the Brevard County Sheriff’s Office Community Services Unit and are available by calling 321/264-7755 or by downloading brochures and applications at www.BrevardTriad.org
For more information or an application: 321/264-7755 [email protected]
COMMUNITY MEDIC PROGRAM (Satellite Beach) 321-773-4405 ext. 302
Bridge the gap between regular visit with your Primary Doctor – home visit will in your own home to conduct physical assessments and your vital signs. 24/7 access to medical personnel – connects to the Satellite Beach Fire Department medic.
Volunteer service organization to perform small jobs that need to be done around the home. Tentative schedule in January, February and March. Program sponsored by United Methodist Church – contact Phil Runfelt, 321-777-0116.
Satellite Beach Fire Department offers in home health evaluations for older citizens who have chronic health conditions. Community Health Paramedics will schedule appointments to visit citizens in their homes as needed to conduct physical exams and check ups. Services provided include: In-Home Paramedic exam on a weekly visit, 12 Lead EKG, Vitals including weight, Blood Glucose, Oxygen Saturation, Medication review and compliance, Nutrition review and compliance, Link with Primary Care Provider(s) to provide first hand observations about your health status and potential needs, as well as Link to Community Services to enhance your quality of life. To request additional information, contact the Satellite Beach Fire Department, Monday-Friday 9am-4pm by calling 321-773-4405 ext. 302, or visit: www.satellitebeachfire.com/#!mihc/ccjp
What is Stop By & Say Hi?

The Satellite Beach Police Department Volunteer Program provides a beneficial program titled “Stop By & Say Hi” where our volunteers literally do just that with our city residents. We provide companionship and become a friend who is close by. Our compassionate volunteers provide laughter, brighten a day, and let our residents know they are not forgotten and that we care in Satellite Beach. We also offer basic resources and support. The program is free of charge and confidential. There are no requirements except that they must live in the city limits of Satellite Beach. The resident can be of any age or background and can be someone who would enjoy having someone to talk to while they reminisce about the good old days. If you would like more information, contact: Barbara Holland Phone: 321-773-4400 ext. 507 Email: [email protected].
WHAT IS 2-1-1??
2-1-1 is a special abbreviated telephone number reserved in the North American Numbering Plan (NANP) as an easy-to-remember three-digit code to reach information and referral services to health, human, and social service organizations. Look at all the services they offer!!
Get Connected. Get Help.
From hello to help, 211 Brevard provides immediate assistance and connects people to community resources in times of personal, financial and community crisis. Trained specialists are available 24/7 when people call or text because they don’t have enough to eat, can’t pay rent, need COVID-19 testing or struggle with thoughts of suicide, plus much more. Specialists actively listen and offer information on resources to meet needs such as food, utility bills, housing, mental health, substance abuse, primary health care and disaster.
Aging Matters – Senior TranServe
Senior TranServe allows the elderly to maintain their independence and quality of love by enabling them to get to medical appointment, shop for groceries, and visit loved ones.
Services: Senior Ride Programs 321-806-3729
SCAT – Volunteers in Motion
A joint program between Space Coast Area Transit and Community Services for the Elderly. Services: non-emergency Medical Transportation, Senior Ride Programs.321/635-7999
Meals on Wheels allows senior adults to remain living on their own even when they are no longer able to prepare hot, nutritional meals. Services: Home delivered Meals 321/639-8770
Aging Matters – Seniors at Lunch
Seniors At Lunch is held at nutrition centers withing the North, Central and South parts of Brevard County every weekday and provide hot meals and activities to Brevard’s elderly population. Services: congregate Meals/Nutrition Sites.
Cancer Care Foundation Support Group – 321-952-8837
Cancer Care Foundation in conjunction with the Cancer Care Centers of Brevard host three general cancer support groups for all who are living with, through and beyond a cancer diagnosis. Services: Chronic Disease Self-Management Programs, Rent Payment Assistance.
Catholic Charities Family Stability Program – (321) 338-2986
This program includes information and referral to community resources as well as limited funds and food for emergency help with basic needs for families experiencing a financial crisis or waiting for service from appropriate agencies.
Services: Electric Service Payment Assistance, Gas Service Payment Assistance, Housing Related Coordinated Entry, Rent Payment Assistance, Water Service Payment Assistance Cocoa, FL 32927
Catholic Charities – South
The program provides basic needs that include rental, utility financial assistance, and case management services.
Services: Electric Service Payment Assistance, Mortgage Payment Assistance, Rent Payment Assistance. 1626 Oak Street, Melbourne, FL 32901, (321) 636-6144
Community Action Agency – Cocoa
Financial assistance for rent/mortgage, utility assistance, food, medical and miscellaneous expenses.
Services: Burial/Cremation Expense Assistance, Electric Service Payment Assistance, Gas Service Payment Assistance, Mortgage Payment Assistance, Prescription Expense Assistance, Rent Payment Assistance, Water Service Payment Assistance 415 Stone Street, Cocoa, FL 32922, (321) 633-1951
Community Action Agency – Melbourne
Financial assistance for rent/mortgage, utility assistance, food, medical and miscellaneous expenses.
Services: Electric Service Payment Assistance, Gas Service Payment Assistance, Mortgage Payment Assistance, Prescription Expense Assistance, Rent Payment Assistance, Water Service Payment Assistance. 601 East University Boulevard, Melbourne, FL 32901, (321) 633-1951
Community Action Agency – Titusville
Financial assistance for rent/mortgage, utility assistance, food, medical and miscellaneous expenses.
Services: Burial/Cremation Expense Assistance, Electric Service Payment Assistance, Gas Service Payment Assistance, Mortgage Payment Assistance, Prescription Expense Assistance, Rent Payment Assistance, Water Service Payment Assistance. 611 Singleton Avenue, Titusville, FL 32780, (321) 633-1951
Eckerd Connects – Melbourne Office
The Eckerd Kids Mission is to provide and share solutions that promote the well-being of children and families in need of a second chance and to ensure that each child has an opportunity to succeed.
Services: Housing Related Coordinated Entry, Long Distance Bus Fare, Rent Payment Assistance. 2226 Sarno Road, Suite 107, Melbourne, FL 32935, (321) 253-0032
Eckerd Connects – Rockledge Office
The Eckerd Kids Mission is to provide and share solutions that promote the well-being of children and families in need of a second chance and to ensure that each child has an opportunity to succeed.
Services: Housing Related Coordinated Entry, Long Distance Bus Fare, Rent Payment Assistance. 4087 US Highway 1, Rockledge, FL 32955, (321) 428-3373
Housing and Community Development, City of Melbourne
Rental Assistance: Non-emergency assistance (elderly, mentally ill, disabled) Housing Rehabilitation: Funds are available to eligible low-income homeowners for the rehabilitation of owner-occupied dwellings units.
Services: Home Rehabilitation Programs, Rent Payment Assistance
695 East University Boulevard, Melbourne, FL 32901, (321) 674-5734
North Brevard Charities Sharing Center
Assistance with prescriptions, rent, utilities, dental, emergency housing and transitional housing, food, and clothing.
Services: Dental Care Expense Assistance, Electric Service Payment Assistance, Food Pantries, Gas Service Payment Assistance, Homelessness Prevention Programs, Household Goods, Housing Related Coordinated Entry, Rent Payment Assistance, Water Service Payment Assistance
4475 South Hopkins Avenue, Titusville, FL 32780, (321) 269-6555
Aging Matters – Seniors Assistance Housing Improvement Program
The Seniors Assistance Housing Improvements Program has skilled handymen to aid with minor home safety or environmental modifications.
Services: Home Rehabilitation Programs, Cocoa, FL 32922, (321) 631-2744
Brevard County Repair, Rehabilitation and Reconstruction Program
Program assists homeowners with home repairs. Services: Home Rehabilitation Programs (321) 633-2076
Community Housing Initiative
Program is designed to help people of low or very low income to be able to own their own home by helping them with the down payment and closing costs.
Services: Low Income Home Loans, PO Box 410522, Melbourne, FL 32941, (321) 253-0053
Housing and Community Development, City of Melbourne
Rental Assistance: Non-emergency assistance (elderly, mentally ill, disabled) Housing Rehabilitation: Funds are available to eligible low-income homeowners for the rehabilitation of owner-occupied dwellings units.
Services: Home Rehabilitation Programs, Rent Payment Assistance. 695 East University Boulevard, Melbourne, FL 32901, (321) 674-5734
Housing and Community Development, City of Titusville
Purpose is to benefit low- and moderate-income residents.
Services: Home Rehabilitation Programs,555 South Washington Avenue, Titusville, FL 32781, (321) 567-3782
Brevard County Legal Aid
Free civil legal advice, counsel and representation is provided to low-income and disadvantaged Brevard County residents on issues involving family law, domestic violence, landlord/tenant (must be current on rent), guardianship, bankruptcy (if debt exceeds $10,00 and more than 50 percent is medical bills), and consumer cases that exceed small claims.
Services: General Legal Aid, 1038 Harvin Way Suite 100, Rockledge, FL 32955
(321) 631-2500
Community Legal Services of Mid-Florida (HELPLINE)
CLSMF is a non-profit law firm serving twelve Florida counties.
Services: General Legal Aid, 444 Seabreeze Boulevard Suite 150, Daytona Beach, FL 32118, (800) 405-1417
Lawyer Referral Service (Florida Bar)
Lawyer referral service
Services: General Legal Aid, Lawyer Referral Services, 1149 Lake Drive, Cocoa, FL 32922, 800) 342-8011
Long Term Care Ombudsman Council
To file complaints about Skilled Nursing Homes, Adult Assisted Living Facilities, Adult Family Care Homes, or the operation of unlicensed long term care facilities.
Services: Patient Rights Assistance, 440 Esplanade Way, Tallahassee, FL 32399, (850) 414-2323
Long Term Care Ombudsman Council
To file complaints about Skilled Nursing Homes, Adult Assisted Living Facilities, Adult Family Care Homes, or the operation of unlicensed long term care facilities.
Services: Patient Rights Assistance, 440 Esplanade Way, Tallahassee, FL 32399, (850) 414-2323
(Call 2-1-1 for more information on these services)
Assistive Devices/Medical Equipment
Blood Banks
Chronic Disease Management
Dementia Evaluation
Dental Care
HIV/STD Testing
Health Care Referrals
Pregnancy and Womens Health
Primary Care/Immunizations
State/Local Health Insurance Programs
BUILT ON 2-1-1
Recognizing that many callers may need ongoing support or have specialized needs, 211 Brevard has built on the strength of its reach to people in need to offer specialized services and programs, including the following.
Florida Veterans Support Line (MyFLVet)
Two veterans on staff provide emotional support and information and referrals to the Department of Veterans Affairs and community programs for peers living in three counties, including Brevard.
Call 2-1-1 or 1-844-MyFLVet (693-5838)
Sunshine Service
Specialists make regular telephone calls to elderly or disabled people who live alone, are physically or socially isolated, or otherwise would benefit from reassurance. No fee but donations accepted. Email to request application.
Community Information Hotline in Disaster
In partnership with Brevard County Emergency Management, 211 Brevard operates the Community Information Hotline before, during and after a potential disaster such as a hurricane. The hotline is activated during the COVID-19 pandemic. Call 2-1-1 or text ZIP code to 898211.
Information and Referral
The majority of people who contact the 2-1-1 helpline are in financial crisis. Specialists help prioritize issues, make plans and empower people to act. They make thousands of referrals each year to local and other resources. Currently and in partnership with the Florida Department of Children and Families, 211 Brevard is part of a federally funded Crisis Counseling Program related to COVID-19. Additional resources may be available for people who have been impacted financially or emotionally by the pandemic.
• By phone: Call 2-1-1
• Help via text: Text your ZIP code to 898211
Suicide prevention
Specialists listen to and support callers in emotional crisis 24/7 and are highly trained in crisis intervention.
• By phone: CALL 2-1-1
• By text: Text ZIP code to 898211
• #BeThe1To: Text BeThe1To to 898211 to sign up for supportive, automated text messages for people in crisis and their friends or loved ones. Messages are inspirational and informative.
Learn more about suicide prevention from our partners:
National Suicide Prevention Lifeline
American Association of Suicidology
We’re Here to Help
Will You “Answer the Call”?
Day and night, the call specialists at 211 Brevard talk to people who are scared, frustrated and confused. Throughout the pandemic, they have served as essential workers, answering calls around the clock and helping more people than ever before.
Last year 211 Brevard call specialists fielded more than 60,000 calls, connecting struggling people with essential resources to meet their health care, housing and food need. From the first hello, 211 call specialists offered comfort and hope.
As one 211 specialist said: “People who contact 211 want someone who can listen
You can also support their critical work with a donation to 211 Brevard, ensuring that these heroes can keep up the good work.