All posts by Fifty Five Plus


We are pleased to inform you that the 55+ Club has started a new Gardeners Group. Along with other ideas, the group has secured a 4×8 raised garden plot at The Logos Community Garden, built on the grounds of Desoto Park by the racquetball courts. A community garden is a collaborative green space in which the participants share in both
the maintenance and the rewards.

On Feb. 11th, five members that we knew were interested met for an informal meeting to discuss the direction of this group and to share ideas. It was decided that the group would meet on the 2nd Monday of each month at 11:00am at the DRS Community Center. We know that there must be many more gardeners out there! Please contact Gene O’Connell at 321/773- 4647 [email protected] to find out more information on how to join and ask questions. Please share this information with other 55+ members who might be interested or prospective future members.


The 55+ Club is in need of chairpersons to assist with: Day Travel and Walking. You would not be alone, as there are always many members who are willing to assist. Day Travel – work with local travel agencies to decide on trips, dates and assist during trip. Your trip is FREE! Walking – We are in need of a couple more people to be assigned a key. Those who have keys take turns unlocking/locking the gym when done. This can be a team effort and not just one person. Please consider helping! Call to ask questions and get more details. Don’t allow these programs to be discontinued! Eventually that may be what will happen! If you can assist with any of the above, please contact Chairperson, Joyce Scafidi, 321/961-6408 or [email protected]


Members of the 55+ Club celebrated Valentine’s day in style with wonderful food catered by Zon Beachside. Quite a spread with pork and chicken and roasted vegetables and the desserts, wow! They really out did themselves. Janet Whiskers brought us up to date with the progress of their new addition, it’s a state -of -the -art facility unlike anything
else in this area.

Jane Check and Elaine Lewis won $20 a piece when they both answered the most questions correctly in the Valentines Trivia quiz. Their high score was 6 out of 11, perhaps everyone should brush up on the Valentines facts! Thank you to Zon Beachside for a wonderful day and to their residents who sent warm greetings to our members in personalized cards. (Submitted by, Jill Blakeway)


Changes are happening at Monday Bingo and we want to thank Louise Tavani for her chairmanship over the 55+ Club’s Bingo for many years. Louise has been a part of bingo since the club began in 2002 and has continued her involvement helping make bingo a popular activity for our club members. We welcome Anna Fake who has stepped up as Bingo Chairperson, we know she will do a great job. Thank you to the entire bingo team for all your assistance and thank you to those ladies who stayed on to continue to assist Anna. Do you want to learn more about Monday Bingo? Perhaps assist or just enjoy playing? Contact Anna at 321/961-5771 or [email protected]

2019 DUES

Members who’s dues were not paid by the end of February were removed from our membership list and will have not received this newsletter. However, once dues have been paid we will happily renew your  membership. If you know someone who has not paid their 2019 dues, please encourage them to do so right away. Payments can be made at the DRS Community Center, Bingo or given to any committee member. ALL members are being asked to fill out a new membership card. WHY? We are collecting emergency contact names and phone numbers. If possible, please provide a name and number of a person NOT living in your home. First, unfortunately, we had no one to contact when a couple of our  members recently had falls. Secondly, after 17 years the membership cards have gotten rather messy! Thirdly, this is a good way to update all
of your information.


What should you do if someone calls and asks for your information, for money, or threatens to cancel your health benefits if you don’t share your personal information? Hang up! It’s a scam. Scam artists may try to steal your personal information by calling you and asking for your current Medicare Number to get your new Medicare card.

Medicare will never call uninvited and ask you to give personal  information or money to get your new Medicare Number or card. Go to to learn what to do if you get a suspicious call like this.