All posts by Fifty Five Plus


Myrtle Beach Show trip, April 8-12 2019. Cost: $559 per person based on  double occupancy. We will see the fabulous Carolina Opry and exciting Legends in Concert as well as a visit to the L.W. Paul Living History Farm and Barefoot Landing. Can’t find a roommate, give me a call, maybe I can help. Jill Blakeway 321/773-2080 jillB215@

The 55+ Club has partnered with Collette travel to bring you some exciting travel excursions, discover these great adventures:

Enjoy South Dakota July 12-18, 2019

Explore Tuscany; November 9-17, 2019

Visit Scotland March 15-24, 2020.

Check the brochure rack at the DRS Center or more info or call Jill 321-773-2080


Grace Marion Ent was born on August 24, 1924, in Trenton, New Jersey. After a friend’s graduation ceremony at the War Memorial Building, she saw a sailor kissing all the girls as they came out and thought “what a wolf”. That “wolf”, Carl W. Michaelson, not only met her later at a dance, but married her on June 26, 1942 in Norfolk, Virginia. Unfortunately, Carl had to ship out that night and didn’t return until December 9, 1944.

During the war Grace worked at Eastern Aircraft (previously an auto factory) in Trenton and was in charge of the mail room and communication center. She worked with representatives of the US Navy and the British Air Commission. When a serviceman returned and retook his job, Grace left and started working at the unemployment compensation center until 1946. Upon Carl’s discharge from the Navy, they bought a home in Trenton. In 1957, she worked for W.T. Grant, as a merchandiser until she and
Carl retired and moved to Clearwater, Florida in 1974.

They lived at Japanese Garden Mobile Home Park and Grace became the chairperson of the “We Care Program” for 25 years and then was one of the volunteers. No one was sick, injured or in need of help that Grace didn’t take care of, either personally or by arranging for help. She planned memorial services, weddings, many holiday events and organized the writing and publishing of a park cookbook. She also made lap robes for
nursing home residents and worked on stained glass for years.

Grace moved to Satellite Beach in 2014 and remains in contact with many of the original residents and/or their children. Speaking of writing, she has completed a soft cover book (not an eBook) called “Skirl of the Pipes”, which is a historical romance, taking place in Scotland during World War II. It will be available on, ID# 23169221, by end of December or can be purchased directly from her. This has fulfilled a dream of many years. Per her daughter Jo Ann, the name Grace, suits her very well. “She never gossips or has a bad word to say about anyone.” In Grace’s words “Keep your words soft and sweet since you may have to eat them“.


Happy New Year! We have a new Executive Board and we will work very hard for you during the next two years. We offer many activities, trips, luncheons and social gatherings for you to choose from. If you have any suggestions or ideas for our club, please let me know. I am listening to you. Thank you all for supporting the 55+ Club. It’s all about making new friends and seeing old friends to socialize. Again, Happy and Healthy New Year and
Blessings to you all.

Joyce Scafidi, Chairperson


A day trip to Isle of Capri is planned for Wednesday January 30th. Bus leaves the DRS Center at 8am. Cost is $40 per person and included is $15 in free play and $5 discount off the buffet. Contact Norma at 321-243-5708 and payment should be made by January 21st. When you drop off your payment you’ll be asked to provide your address and date of birth so you can receive your “ free play card”. Your payments can be given to Norma or dropped off at the Recreation Office at the DRS Community Center

Currently a trip to the Strawberry Fest is planned for February. Watch for more information with date and costs. 


Myrtle Beach Show trip, April 8-12, 2019. Cost: $559 per person based on double occupancy. We will see the fabulous Carolina Opry and exciting Legends in Concert as well as a visit to the L.W. Paul Living History Farm and Barefoot Landing. Can’t find a roommate, give me a call, maybe I can help.

The 55+ Club has partnered with Collette Travel to bring you some exciting
travel excursions: Discover these great adventures:

  • Enjoy South Dakota July 12-18, 2019
  • Explore Tuscany; November 9-17, 2019
  • Visit Scotland March 15-24, 2020

Check the brochure rack at the DRS or call Jill at 321-773-2080 or for more information.


The 2019 $7.00 membership fees are now due! Payments can be made at the DRS Community Center, Bingo or give your dues to any committee member. Members who are not paid for 2019 will be dropped from the membership roster by February. ALSO – After many years our club
membership cards have gotten a bit messy. We are asking that all members please fill out a new membership card. This is a good way to update all of your information and in addition, we are asking you to add
an emergency contact name and number. Please provide a name and number of a person NOT living in your home.