Category Archives: News

WOW! It’s March already!!

Don’t get caught short without holiday plans. The 55+ Club is planning a visit to Orlando later this year, with dates to be announced. This 3 day 2 night trip
will be packed with inspirational and fun things to do. We will take in the Holy Land Experience; from the moment you enter the gates you will be taken back
in time. Walk through a Jerusalem street market, marvel at the recreation of Herod’s Temple and much more. We will also visit the Bok Tower Gardens and
the beautiful Tiffany Chapel. This will be a sure but exciting few days away, don’t miss it. Contact Jill Blakeway 321/773-2080 [email protected].

To stay updated on travel contact these ladies: Extended Trips -Jill Blakeway 321/773-2080 [email protected]

Day Trips- Terry Mellon at 321/773-7705 [email protected]


The Jan. 24th Isle of Capri “smokeless” Casino trip was thoroughly enjoyed. Thanks to all who made our trip so memorable. The Feb. 28th Strawberry Festival & Hard Rock Casino trip was also a great success. Possible trips to Medieval Times & St. Augustine may be coming. Call Terry for info. and reservations, 321/773-7705.


Mark your calendar for Thursday, April 9th at 12noon. Don’t miss out on the fun of watching some of our members model spring apparel! Enjoy a lunch of chicken salad, devil eggs, three bean salad, dessert & beverage, plus several door prizes. The cost is $7 per person and tickets are a must and can be purchased at Bingo, Thurs. Greeting table and the DRS office from 8:30am-5:00pm. This event will be held at the DRS Community Center. Don’t miss out on the fun! For questions or to assist with this event, call Joanne at 626-9597 or email her at [email protected].