Category Archives: News

Benefits of Volunteerism

Volunteers make an immeasurable difference in people’s lives and often serve to help others. Did you now that volunteering can benefit your health as well? Research has shown that volunteering offers significant health benefits, especially for older adults, including:

  1. Encourages physical activity
  2. Lowers blood pressure
  3. Improves heart health
  4. Reduces depression & stress
  5. Boosts happiness
  6. Increases self confidence
  7. Provides a sense of purpose
  8. Prevents loneliness & isolation
  9. Encourages learning
  10. Reduces mortality rate

Are you interested in becoming a volunteer? There is a wide variety of volunteer opportunities in our community, whether you’re interested in youth, environmental, health, religious or community causes.
Check with local nonprofit and cultural organizations, schools, faith communities, hospitals or even your 55+ Club organization for options.

March is “Get To Know You” Month

March 2024 is being dubbed as “Get to Know You” month. This idea was presented to the board because there were people participating in club activities who didn’t know other participants’ names. Our “Get to Know You” month is an attempt to alleviate this and add a little spice to the regular activity. At least once
during the month (during regularly scheduled activity times), you will be given nametags by the activity chairperson and participate in a mixer/get to know you activity. We hope you enjoy the activity, make new friends and learn something new about familiar faces.



Spill the Beans is a morning social with warm beverages, a special drink of the day, food and some sort of an interactive game revolving around a theme. The Theme for March is Leprechauns and St. Patrick’s Day everything green and lots of shenanigans.

For April the Theme is Pink Flamingos – what will we do for that? We hope you come out and join us as we have lots of fun, learn a few new tidbits and laugh A LOT! If you would like more information, please
call Becky at 321-773-6458.

Facts & Snacks Program

The 55+ Club offers a “lunch & learn” type educational program called Facts & Snacks. Our Facts & Snacks program offers any of our 55+ Club sponsors the opportunity to come and present a topic of interest to our members. Food is provided. So far this year we have had 4 sponsored Facts & Snacks. One of our sponsors, One Senior Place, has committed to offering a presentation once per month on the third Thursday of each month. On March 21 the topic will be The Benefits of Medical Marijuana and on April 18 the topic is Tackling Medicaid and Estate Planning Myths. We appreciate One Senior Place bringing the educational opportunities to us here in Satellite Beach and hope that our members will show their support by attending.

If snacks alone aren’t a motivator for you to come out and listen, how about some added incentive! We are now offering a “Passport to Learning”. When you attend a Facts & Snacks program, you can earn passport stamps. As you accrue stamps in your passport, you can earn prizes.

How do you know if an event qualifies as a Facts & Snacks program? Look for our Facts & Snacks logo on the event flyer. You can get a Passport to Learning at our monthly club meetings or at a Facts & Snacks event. For more information, call 321-773-6458.