Category Archives: News

Message from the 2022/2023 President THANK YOU TO OUR SPONSORS!

Having been involved with the 55+ Club since its beginning in 2002, it has been a pleasure to witness the growth through the years. I’ve been involved in community service and volunteerism for many years and it’s been heartwarming to hear so many great stories. New friendships forged, activities that have enriched many members lives and even one or two new loves found!

This Club has given seniors in and around our community opportunities to stay active. Staying active is the key for all of us as we age, both physically and mentally. If you can’t find something to do with in this club, then you are not looking very hard!

I want to thank all the wonderful people who have assisted me these past two years during my presidency. Our elected board, our activity chairpersons and all our lovely volunteers! Without volunteerism, we could not do what we do for you!

A special thank you goes out to the City of Satellite Beach Recreation Dept. for their unending support as well as to the city departments who assist this club. You will be in great hands with the new Executive Board!

I wish each one of you a very blessed and happy holiday, a joyous New Year, and a wonderful life!

“Always make room for more kindness in your life.”
Louise Stevenson

Message from 2024/2025 President

Thank you 55+ members for allowing me to serve as your Club president in 2024 & 2025. I am looking forward to the challenge. We have a great board to work with, so the future looks good. However, we can’t do it without the support of the city of Satellite Beach. Many thanks to the wonderful DRS recreation
staff and our fantastic city liaison, Becky.

Louise is a hard act to follow, she has been a dynamite leader so it won’t be easy, but Louise and the previous board have left the Club in great shape so we will do our best to keep it going strong.

Let us hear from you! It’s your Club and all members should be involved. We would love for each and everyone of you to share your ideas. Tell us what you want from the Club and what you like to do so we can come up with a plan that gives you, our members, pleasure and enjoyment. The 55+ Club is here for you. As your elected board, our purpose is to steer it in the right direction.

Welcome 2024! Happy New Year to you all, may you stay healthy, wealthy and wise!

Jill Blakeway


Bell, Lisa
Bosley, Rhoda
Brown, Donna
Collins, Angela
Coolidge, Thomas
Cooper, Jane
Epstein, Betsey
Gohr, Maria
Griffiths, Jane
Gudz, Barbara
Hirko, Nancy
Horning, Ralph

Houts, Susan
Iennaco, Fay
Ierardi, Verena (Ronnie)
Illes, Jeanne
Lanoue, Judith
Lawson, Debra
Lenches, Joan
Leslie, Barbars
Magyar, Pat
Maschhoff, Brenda
McCartney, Suzanne
McClellan, Lindasy

Mercadante, Tena
O’Neill, Julia
Quatkemeyer, Gina
Sartori, Laura
Schick, Teresa
Timm, Nadine
Toupin, Mary
Vargo, Marcia
Vitolo, Kate
Waldkirch, Renae
Wilsey, Susan

Annual Holiday Luncheon

Our annual Holiday Luncheon on Dec. 14th was a great success! We enjoyed a catered lunch by Brevard Kitchens, and reveled in door prizes and other give-a-ways. We welcomed a few of our sponsors who were present and introduced our new Executive Board. We also recognized all our hardworking activity chairpersons who volunteer their time to continue with our many programs. The outgoing president presented an overview of the past year. We’ve welcomed 159 new members since the start of 2023 and as of December 14, 2023 our membership is 510. Thank you to all who worked very hard to make this luncheon possible.

Happy Holidays & Happy New Year!