Category Archives: News


Amy Matura
Bernadette Large
Bob Tolomeo
Cheryl Malone
Delph Mariotti
Elizabeth Fawcett
Fred Shumway
Gene Lindblad
Gloria Bellis
Jill Holden

Kathleen Jones
Ken Malone
Linda Reisinger
Mary Garretson
Maura Plunkett
Nancy Chmelir
Sandra Giacchetta
Sandy Evans
Tina Bennett


Elections for the 2024/2025 Executive Board will take place in Dec. and you will find the ballot included
in your Nov/Dec newsletter. The positions for President, Vice President, Treasurer, Recording Secretary,
Corresponding Secretary and Member at Large are all elected by the club membership. September 2nd is
the deadline to submit an application to run for these positions. For more information, or to receive an
application please contact Michele Bevacqua 321/7863-8942. Applications are also available at the Satellite Beach Recreation Department at the DRS Community Center.