All posts by Fifty Five Plus



Tons of phony IRS calls have started during this world crisis! Phony IRS calls wanting your bank account number to deposit your $1200.00. Calls to send you groceries, face masks, disinfecting products and the list goes on. Emails are coming in for the same and some are saying that your bank account has been accessed many times by an unknown user and it is asking you to “click here” to reset your access codes.

Don’t fall for it! Police say the IRS will not call you and you should never give out any personal information over the phone or by email to anyone. As soon as you open on one of those fake messages, you may have been hacked! Please watch out for these and any scam. If it seems too good to be true, then it isn’t! If it seems odd or questionable, then it is! You can always call the agency to check OR better yet, call your local police non-emergency phone number – they will be happy to help you.

In our home, it has become a running joke between my husband and I about phone calls we both receive in regard to installing a wireless security system or our vehicle warranty has run out. When we get these calls, we block the phone number. Only to receive another call for the same subject from a different phone number! They must have a thousand different phone numbers! Also beware of calls you may receive with someone asking you, for example “Is this Mrs. Smith”? Don’t say the word “Yes”. Instead ask who’s calling, then you can hang up. Also, if you get a real person during a solicitation call, you can say “take me off your calling list”. By law, they are supposed to.

Emails come in about our Wells Fargo bank account or our Chase Visa card. Neither of us has a Wells Fargo account OR a Chase Card. If you look at those emails carefully, you’ll see several type-o’s and usually the sender email address is some obscure one and not official. If you happen to bank at Wells Fargo or have a Chase card and are questioning the validity, just call them directly and ask.

Please be careful!


The 55+ Club’s bus trip to Biloxi and New Orleans was cancelled due to the current situation, no surprise there! We had 41 people packed and ready to go with hand wipes, disinfectant and of course gambling dollars! But it was not meant to be at least for now. We will reschedule when things calm down, it looked like it was going to be a great trip so stay tuned and watch for more information.

All would be travelers received a FULL refund from Diamond Tours, they had the money back in their hands before Easter which was a very fast turnaround.
Thank you, Diamond Tours, for being so efficient and professional during this difficult time, we will certainly travel with your company again.

Jill Blakeway

About Bingo:

As most of you know the Satellite Beach Civic Center on Cassia Blvd. was scheduled to begin renovations on March 23rd, and work did start. March 16th was to be the last bingo session at the civic center UNTIL COVID-19 virus became a real threat. The City of Satellite Beach ordered all of their facilities closed and as a result all programs at those facilities were also canceled. So that last bingo session at the Civic Center was not able to meet.

After March 23rd, bingo was planning to meet at the DRS Community Center, but as we all know since this pandemic, every gathering of any sort has been canceled. We now await the renovations at the Civic Center to be done. When that is completed, bingo will resume at that location and as Joyce, our club president wrote in her message, you can look forward to brand new state of art equipment and probably a welcome back celebration of sorts! Take care and B2 safe!

About the May/June Newsletter Issue:

The May/June issue was compiled in early April. Currently Florida is in a stay at home order mandated by Governor Ron DeSantis. We do not know what the circumstances will be by May and June or beyond. Since all 55+ Club activities are canceled or postponed we didn’t see the need to add calendars or program information to the May/June newsletter, since everything is postponed, but we did want to reach out to our members. When we do get back to normal, most programs will continue on the same day and time as before. You can always find past calendars on the club website at Please always feel free to call any of the Executive Board or Committee members if you have questions or you just want to chat.

All our sponsors hope you stay safe and if needed, are here for 55+ Club members. Some of our sponsors have written messages in their ad.

Welcome New Members

Corinne Dudley
Robert Delp
Erica Leiser
Kathy Harrison
Sherry Koechlein
Lucille LaFontaine
Sharon Mischker
Amy Niemann
Jeanette & Timothy Meehan
Georgia Pappas
Karen Peabody
Carol Rivers
Patricia Rzeznik
Rosemarie Rzeznik
Kathryn Schmauss
Nancy Schmauss
Patricia Sperber
Joey Stanshine
Sandra Stecker
Wanetta & Wiley White
Lewis & Pamela Williams
Michael & Marlene Wolanski
Larry Wright



Susie is an original 55+ Club member and served on the first Executive Board as Member at Large. In addition, Susie has served in the food and hospitality area for our club since the beginning.

Susie and David, her late husband of 60 years, moved to Florida 25 years ago after living “ten times” in different areas prior to choosing Satellite Beach! They’ve lived in all four corners of the United States.

David served in the Navy and their first daughter was born in San Diego where they were stationed. As a matter of fact, that first daughter Kellie Susan, was delivered by David! Susie says, “being young and dumb, I thought the stomach pains I was experiencing were caused by the big bowl of Bing cherries I had eaten and not labor pains”! They didn’t make it to the hospital in time, so dad had to play doctor! Susie is a mother of three daughters, four grandchildren and 2 great grandchildren (so far, she tells us). Her daughters and grandchildren are all scattered throughout Maine, Massachusetts, Vermont and New York.

Originally from Maine, she owned and operated a country gift shop called Bittersweet Collections near Boston for six years. They offered everything country and often held craft classes with projects that had a country feel. Every July, Susie returns to the family cottage on Pleasant Pond in Turner, Maine. The cottage has been in her family for five generations! She met her husband David while staying at Pleasant Pond. She says “he was the country boy and I was the city girl” who lived a few cottages away from his. She and David enjoyed going on cruises and went on, not one or two, but fifteen cruises!

To say that Susie keeps busy is an understatement!! Besides being a member of the 55+ Club she is currently a member of Satellite Beach United Methodist Church as their kitchen facilitator; Friends of the Library Board and the Satellite Beach Women’s Club where she runs the Trash to Treasure room during each Founder’s Day, besides other Women’s Club duties.

Most often during any of our 55+ Club events you will find Susie in the kitchen busy working on food preparations while wearing her signature apron for the season! Susie enjoys cross word and jigsaw puzzles. A jigsaw puzzle is always set up at her home and at the family cottage. Her current roommate is an eight year-old long-haired Dachshund named Willow. Susie tells us “In my almost 85 years, people, family, friends and strangers are my greatest joy”!

A favorite saying hanging in her home reads “Everyone seems to need you at once. What does it mean? It means you are exactly where you should be. Usefulness is among the highest of callings.”

Thank you, Susie, for all you do!

(Do you have a suggestion for a club member we can highlight?
Contact Louise S. at 321-202-7337 or [email protected] )