All posts by Fifty Five Plus


Just in the past month I’ve received three bogus scam emails. One such email first line began like this:

Good Day! “Forgive my indignation if this message comes to you as a surprise and
may offend your personality for contacting you without your prior consent and writing
through this channel. I’m (Miss. Sandra) from Benghazi Libya…”

On it goes saying life is unbearable after her family has been shot to death and asks for a reply. The next week I
received one supposedly from my Mail Administrator as a

“Last Warning that my account will be closed. They’ve received instructions to empty all my inbox & sent folders and to click on this link to verify”.

The third one was from UPS (looked official). It read,

“I have a parcel coming. To manage my download and delivery information click here”

– NO to all!

I went up to the actual UPS site and entered the tracking number. No number was found & warned me of a possible scam. I marked them all as junk and deleted them.

In the July/August 2016 issue of our newsletter SB Police Chief, Jeff Pearson wrote an article on scams. I quote “While most of us know that something too good to be true is most likely some type of scam, many people in the U.S. and right here in Brevard county are still getting scammed out of hundreds of thousands of dollars every day”.

He goes on to give some examples. Callers claiming they are a grandchild and in some type of financial trouble. Callers sounding official saying they are from the IRS telling you owe back taxes. Fake precious metal companies sending fancy reading material/pamphlets though the mail.

NEVER wire money! NEVER send cash! NEVER click or download from a suspicious email! ALWAYS stay informed of most recent scams!

Web Resources:;; and; OR call your local police departments non-emergency phone number.

Submitted by, Louise Stevenson


Elections for the 2019 Executive Board will be held in December 2018. Board Positions include: Chairperson, Vice Chairperson, Recording Secretary, Corresponding Secretary, Treasurer, Member-at-Large.

To run or learn about one of these positions please call: Betsy Haff 321/960-0956, Nomination Chairperson or a member of the Nomination Committee. Susie Dyer, 321/777-1398; Sandy Kent 321/773-2357; Lorraine Kuriger 321/773-6882; Evelyn Sepanik
321/725-1015 or Joyce Welch 321/254-3856.

All persons interested in submitting their name must fill out an application in order to be considered. Pick up applications at the DRS Community Center, 1089 So. Patrick Dr., Satellite Beach – M-F 8:30am-5:00pm and at the SB Civic Center, 565 Cassia
Blvd., Satellite Beach on Mondays only between 9:00-11:00am (at the BINGO table). If requested they can be mailed or emailed to you.

DEADLINE for returning these applications is September 1, 2018 and can be dropped off at the DRS Community Center or given to any Nomination Committee member listed above.


Isle of Capri Casino –
May 22, 2018 – $40 per person, payable by May 16th. Receive $15 free play (with card) and $5 off buffet lunch. Pick up at the DRS Community Center 8:30am & return approx. 6:30pm.

Checks payable to: Casino Connection. Be prepared to supply your date of birth and address at payment drop off to obtain your “freeplay” card once at the casino.

Contact Ellen at 321/432-1511 or Norma at 321/243-5708

Lakeridge Winery & Vineyards Summerfest Grape Stomp
June 9, 2018 – $25 per person, payable by June 1st; plus $10 cash admission at the gate (portion of proceeds go to the Greater Clermont Cancer Foundation) Pick up at the DRS Community Center 9:30am & return approx. 4:00pm.

Checks payable to: Casino Connection. Payment drop off for trips at the DRS Community Center or give to Norma.

Contact Ellen at 321/432-1511 or Norma at 321/243-5708.

Summer Schedule Changes:

Time changes or cancellations of some monthly activities will take place this summer. So please note & save:

Bingo – Canceled/Memorial Day, May 28
Basic Line Dance – changing to 1:00pm May 3 (no class June 7)
Adv. Line Dance – no class June 5
Book Club – Canceled/June, July & August
Mahjongg – Canceled/June 13 & July 4th
Thurs. Cards & Games meets in Game Room May 31, July 12, Aug. 2
Walking – time changes 7:30-8:30 May 29 and resume 8:00-9:00am Aug 14

Card Sharks

Are you a card-playing-fool? If yes, meet with the 55+ Club card sharks on Wednesday night from 6:00-9:00pm or Thursday from 9:00-2:00pm at the DRS Center. Betty can answer your questions at (321) 773-8232.