All posts by Fifty Five Plus


Come on down
And have some fun
We’ve got a line dance
With a run, run, run

It’s every Tuesday
At the DRS
In Satellite Beach
And its casual dress

You’ll meet Margaret and Peg
And Terry too
Dancin’ up a storm
With a big yahoo!

There’s Trudy and Sarah
And “ Kathies” galore
Vining and shuffling
All over that floor

Kathleen and Doris
Judy and Jeanie
Therese, Deb and Jan
It’s magic, Houdini!

It’s all about movin’
And havin’ some fun
Come in and be cool
Get out of that sun

We love music and dancin’
And rockin’ to the beat
It’s a one o’clock start
Ending in Happy Feet!

Yes, we are Sassy! (Surprisingly
Agile Seniors Staying Young)
~ Candy Allard


If you know a member who did not receive this issue of the newsletter, then it may be because they did not pay their $7.00 yearly dues. However, that still can be done & return
to the clubs mailing list by paying dues at the Thurs. Greeting Table, Bingo, at the DRS community Center M-F, 8:30am to 5:00pm or give to any activity chairperson.


The February 9th luncheon was enjoyed by 50 people! Everyone raved about the delicious roast beef and all the sides. Door prizes were given out and all had an opportunity to buy a chance to win one of the lovely food baskets. Howard Gordon, the Puppeteer, entertained the group with his puppets singing oldies, and all went home with a goody bag. Thank you
to Joanne and her group of volunteers for all their hard work.


The scam begins with an unsolicited phone call. After the caller makes contact they ask the recipient “Can you hear me?” to elicit a response of “yes,” and a potential onslaught of unauthorized charges ensues. So the best practice when receiving those unsolicited calls is to “hang up” right away!

Line Dancing Shenanigans

In a show of solidarity, the beginning line dancers surprised Trudy Hughes (who recently broke her right arm) by sporting slings at a recent class.  “These shenanigans were the brainchild of sisters Rosaleen Hall and Gay Defosse (two ladies on far right)!”  The much-appreciated humor created a light-hearted mood for the class and lifted the spirits of the beleaguered instructor.  What a fun group!