All posts by Fifty Five Plus


It looks like Day Travel will go rollin’ on. Terry has announced that a club member has stepped up to become the Day Travel Chairperson. A gambling trip is being tentatively planned for July. Terry will make the first trip to insure a smooth transition. If you are interested in this summer day trip please call Terry Mellon at 321/773-7705 for details.


The Beginner Line Dance Group will meet ALL Thursdays during July and August at 1pm at the DRS Community Center, $3 at the door. However please stay tuned for any alterations for September forward. Call Trudy at 321/223-7249 for information.


Just a reminder that the coupon club meets every 3rd Wednesday of the month at the Satellite Beach Library from 2 to 3pm. Bring the coupons you are not using or flyers from the Sunday papers, and get the coupons you do need. Also we are accepting any expired coupons. They are taken to PAFB where they are mailed over to our soldiers stationed overseas. Our group consists of 8 to 10 members. Because the group meets at the Library, it is also open to the public.

Book Club

Remember the book club does not meet July and August, but will resume in Sept. Some members have been joining the book club group that meets at the Satellite Beach Library during these months. Contact Barbara’s Conkle at 779-4004 or information

Program Schedule Notices

*Walking schedule resumes August 9
*Fishing returns to the DRS August 11
*Book Club back to DRS on Sept 7
*Bunco returns to the DRS August 12
*Thursday Line Dance meets every week through August.
*Thursday cards will meet in the Game Room 9am-1:30pm only on July 7. Other dates are as usual in the meeting room.
*Dinner Gang resumes in September with Floss.