Category Archives: News

The Nominating Committee Your Club Needs You!

It is time to elect the 2017 Board of the 55+ Club. Board Positions include:

  • Chairperson
    1. Preside at all meetings of the Club.
    2. Appoint the chairpersons of all committees with the exception of the Nominating Committee.
    3. Be a member ex-officio of all committees except the Nominating Committee.
    4. Perform other duties incidental to the Office of Chairperson.
    5. Sign checks drawn on the Club’s funds in the Treasurer’s absence.
  • Vice Chairperson
    1. The Vice Chairperson, in the absence of or inability of the Chairperson, shall perform the duties of the Chairperson. The Vice Chairperson
      may be the Chairperson of a committee.
    2. Perform such other duties as may be assigned by the Chairperson
  • Corresponding Secretary
    1. Give notice of all meetings as directed by the Chairperson.
    2. Conduct such correspondence as may be required promptly, and file reports and forms in a timely manner.
    3. Keep on hand a supply of stationery and envelopes for use by the club’s officers and committee chairpersons.
  • Treasurer
    1. Have custody of all club funds, making disbursements only as authorized by the Club either by specific action or by adoption of a
      budget to be administered by the club’s officers.
    2. Pay all bills promptly by check or other commonly used means of payment, approved by the Chairperson or other approved club officer;
      payments of over $50 must have board approval.
    3. Keep the accounting ledger on a current basis and make a monthly report to the club
    4. Prepare a budget for review and approval of the Executive Committee.
    5. Prepare a detailed financial report for the period of the term of office, January through December. Year-end financial report is to be audited by a third party and signed at the end of the calendar year.
    6. Perform other duties as assigned by the Chairperson.
  • Membership
    1. Keep an up-to-date list of the club membership (their name, postal address, e-mail address, telephone number and month/day/year of
      birthday). A current roster shall be maintained and published quarterly. Collect membership fees and issue member ID cards.
    2. Issue name tags for all meetings if needed.
    3. Procure new membership through advertising.
    4. Perform other duties as assigned by the Chairperson.
  • Member-at-Large
    1. Direct members with specific interests to appropriate chairperson.
    2. Act as liaison between members and Board of Directors by providing a welcome contact to all new members.
    3. Assign members to coordinate telephone committee assignments as needed.

To run for one of these positions or to learn about any of the Activity Chair positions, please call: Shirley Pinard 321-806-0822. You can also contact any of the other members of the nominating committee: Jo Ann Fisher 321-368-3817 or Thelma
Hanel 321-613-5661 or just come up and talk to us at any event. All persons interested in submitting their name must fill out an application in order to be considered.

Applications can be picked up at the DRS Community Center, 1089 So. Patrick Dr., Satellite Beach – M-F 8:30am-5:00pm and at the SB Civic Center, 565 Cassia Blvd., Satellite Beach on Mondays only between 9:00-11:00am (at the BINGO table). If requested they can be emailed to you.

DEADLINE for returning these applications to a member of the nominating committee is September 16, 2016.


As those of us who play Bingo regularly know, we need new Bingo equipment. A week ago the big board was not working at all. Can’t check your numbers without the big board! So, we’re moving ahead with our fundraising efforts. Our first fundraiser “Bingo for Designer Bags”, will be held on Thursday, November 10th at the Civic Center on Cassia Blvd. We’re also considering an “Italian Dinner” and/or a “Casino Night”, both of which are fun social events. If anyone has ideas for fundraising projects please contact Terry at 321-773-7705 or [email protected]. Also, if you are so inclined, you are welcome to make a personal monetary
donation. Please contact Terry.


Chess anyone? It’s fun and great for staying healthy and mentally active. Dick is our 55+ Club chess enthusiast and chairperson. If you have an interest, call him at 321.777-0255 to meet, play chess, get an introductory chess lesson, or find out what is going on with chess at one of our games sessions at the DRS Community Center.

Beware of Phone and Internet Scams by Staying Informed

While most of us know that something too good to be true is most likely some type of scam, many people in the U.S. and right here in Brevard county are still getting scammed out of hundreds of thousands of dollars every day. Here are two of several common scams that the Police Department deals with on a regular basis:

  1. A caller claims they are a grandchild and in some type of trouble after being arrested abroad. They ask the target victim not to call their parents or they
    will be in more trouble and then they beg for help with bail and fine money. Many grandparents have become victim to this scam because it pulls at the
    heartstrings. The target then wires the money to Somalia or another foreign country to a fictitious name and account that is practically untraceable and might as well be on Mars. They play on the sweet side of the elderly and if they call 100 people a day, they only need to hit one with a grandchild for the story to work. Once the money is gone, it is almost always unrecoverable.
  2. The newest scam the Police Department has been dealing with, as recent as two weeks ago, is the IRS tax scam. The caller will sound very official and say they are an IRS investigator and the target victim owes back taxes that must be paid immediately to avoid an arrest warrant being issues. The callers can be very aggressive. They demand money be wired and it ends up going
    through multiple channels and again, is almost impossible to trace.
  3. Precious metal scams are on the rise also, although we haven’t had any reports in Satellite Beach. As of April and May they are on the rise. A fake company representative offers gold or silver and may even send fancy reading materials/pamphlets. The target victim believes they are investing in the precious metal and the entire operation ends up being a scam.

NEVER WIRE MONEY unless you personally know the recipient.

NEVER send cash to someone who claims to have “accidentally” overpaid for a Craigslist item by money order.

ALWAYS stay informed of the most recent scams and don’t allow yourself to become a victim. If it doesn’t sound right, STOP and call the police for direction.

Web Resources:


It looks like Day Travel will go rollin’ on. Terry has announced that a club member has stepped up to become the Day Travel Chairperson. A gambling trip is being tentatively planned for July. Terry will make the first trip to insure a smooth transition. If you are interested in this summer day trip please call Terry Mellon at 321/773-7705 for details.