The Jan. 24th Isle of Capri “smokeless” Casino trip was thoroughly enjoyed. Thanks to all who made our trip so memorable. The Feb. 28th Strawberry Festival & Hard Rock Casino trip was also a great success. Possible trips to Medieval Times & St. Augustine may be coming. Call Terry for info. and reservations, 321/773-7705.


Mark your calendar for Thursday, April 9th at 12noon. Don’t miss out on the fun of watching some of our members model spring apparel! Enjoy a lunch of chicken salad, devil eggs, three bean salad, dessert & beverage, plus several door prizes. The cost is $7 per person and tickets are a must and can be purchased at Bingo, Thurs. Greeting table and the DRS office from 8:30am-5:00pm. This event will be held at the DRS Community Center. Don’t miss out on the fun! For questions or to assist with this event, call Joanne at 626-9597 or email her at [email protected].

URGENT MESSAGE! “We Need Your Support!”

The 1st Thursday of the month, September – May, our sponsors take the floor to tell you about their business and how it can benefit you, the 55+ population. These are the sponsors you see advertised in your Newsletter.

I’m not sure everyone understands how the Club works! In addition to the newsletter, surprise! the Club has expenses! wow, who knew!

We appreciate all the support we have gotten from the city of Satellite Beach and your $7.00 a year membership fee, but please think about what you are getting for that $7.00. unfortunately, membership dues alone cannot keep the Club going.

We need our Sponsors and in order to keep our sponsors we need YOU to support them.

So Please come to the 1st Thursdays at 12:30pm at the DRS Center. You not only get a FREE lunch, but there’s door prizes and give-a-ways and you will learn about the services offered in YOUR community.

Jill Blakeway, Chairperson


Unfortunately, as of this writing, the Tues., Wed. Thurs. walking group has been postponed until a new facilitator is found. The facilitator does not have
to be one person! Several people can step up for this task and take turns and walking times could be adjusted. Please call Joanne at 626-9597 or email her
at [email protected] if you can assist. Stay tuned & informed as the status of walking may change after the publishing of this newsletter.


held at DRS Center on February 11th was a very successful event! The tables were decorated with pretty table cloths and floral center pieces. Lunch was sandwiches, salad and delicious cookies, cupcakes and chocolate covered strawberries. Together with games and door prizes a great time was had by all. Thank you to all the many volunteers who made this event so successful!