Welcome to our 2015 55+ Club officers:

Chairperson – Jill Blakeway; Vice Chairperson – Barbara Hessler; Treasurer – Debbie Guess; Recording Secretary – Joan Spencer; Corresponding Secretary – Joyce Scafidi; Member at Large – Mini Sue Lindsey; and Membership – Louise Stevenson

We thank outgoing board members, Marty Hindsley; Laverene Johnson, Linda Burson & Susie Dyer. Each of them have contributed a great deal to the success of the 55+ Club over many years. Each have volunteered many hours toward the betterment of this club and each are commended for their contribution.

It was wonderful to see everyone at the Annual Meeting, thank you for coming to support your Club; we had a great time! Special thanks to our sponsors who supplied the brunch food, Courtenay Springs Village for their wonderful Champagne Chicken and Brookdale Senior Living Solutions for the scrambled eggs and tasty hash browns and for the extra pounds we put on with biscuits and sausage gravy! And the waffles and fried chicken with blueberries and cream! If you weren’t there, you missed some good food! The root beer floats courtesy of American InHome care didn’t help the diet either! Thank you to 55+Club member Jerry Russel’s daughter, McKenna Russell, Irish Step Dancer for her talented performance.

Marty retired as our Chairperson but has promised to stay around and share his experience and wisdom. As your new Chairperson, I want to say “thank you” for your confidence in me. Our Board meetings are 9am on the 4th Wednesday of each month at the DRS Center and please know you are always welcome. We really need input from our members, share your ideas and help us plan for the year ahead.

A special thank you to Karen Smith for the wonderful job she does in typing up this newsletter! Without Karen’s volunteer efforts, this newsletter would not be possible. Thank you Karen for all you do for the 55+ Club. (“Your very much welcomed!”) I wish you all good health and happiness for 2015. Happy Holidays.

Jill Blakeway, 55+ Club Chairperson


Jill has a great trip planned on April 16-21, 2015 to Washington, DC, please call Jill for more detailed information. To stay updated on travel contact these ladies:

Extended Trips- Jill Blakeway 321/773-2080 [email protected]

Day Trips- Terry Mellon at 321/773-7705 [email protected]

Happy travels to all! Here’s a recap of 2014 day travels. We started off the year with a trip to a comedy club. Then we traveled to Coconut Creek Casino, for a day of gaming, lunch, bingo on board, and movies going and coming. We will do more casino trips in January
2015, and may attend the Strawberry Festival in February. If interested please call me, Terry Mellon at 321-773-7705.

Submitted by Terry Mellon


At our November Book Club meeting we all brought a wrapped book that we had already read for our gift exchange. We enjoyed lunch and tea during our discussion.

The January 7th, 2015 book selection is “The Book Thief”, by Markus Zusak. Our February book selection is “Killing Patton”, by Bill O’Reilley. We meet at 12noon at the DRS Community Center.

If you are not interested in reading, but would like to join our group for socialization, please feel free tojoin us. You are most welcome to bring any busy work you like to do & your lunch. It’s all about getting together and socializing!