Deborah Guess has been an active member of the 55 Plus Club for years. She calls Bingo every Monday and has been the club treasurer for the past two years. Past experience includes being an office manager for 28years and president of her HOA for 5 years.
Barbara Hessler has been an active member of the 55 Plus Club and has been in charge of Bunko, Mahjong, summer dinner gang and Wednesday lunches for several years. She has also helped on events and decorations for the club. Previous experience includes varied banking responsibilities, work with child and family law, job fairs, payroll and insurance work, drug and alcohol counseling, teaching English
as a second language. Barbara has served as the clubs Vice Chairperson for two years.
Vice Chairperson
Joyce Scafidi has served on the board as Corresponding Secretary for the past two years. She was a secretary and handled accounts payable for a roofing company for 25 years. She was also a secretary for Dr. Eells and insurance processor for Dr. Turner and Muir. She was a school volunteer for the American Red Cross, a Cape Canaveral hospital volunteer and is a Eucharist minister, visiting the sick for Our Savior Church.
Recording Secretary
Jo Ann Fisher agreed to help the 55 Plus Club in November 2015, when the previous recording secretary could no longer continue. Prior to retiring in 2014, she worked as a nurse practitioner for Osler Medical caring for older adults in nursing homes and assisted living facilities. She is the Executive Director a medical group and organizes a symposium for over 450 people every November. She helped to establish a state chapter of the Gerontological Advanced Practice Nurses Association and is currently their treasurer. She is also very active in Brevard County in healthcare related projects.
Corresponding Secretary
Olga Clarke is a retired registered nurse and has been a member of Beta Sigma Phi Sorority for over 50 years. She has held all offices for the sorority and served as president 13 times. She has also been a volunteer for the King Center for 23 years and works at the Humane Society Thrift Shop.
Louise Daley has been an active member of 55 Plus Club for many years. Before retiring she worked in banking as a bookkeeper and certification teller. She has volunteered for several projects and activities for the club.
Betsy Haff has been active in our club for several years. She has contributed greatly the last 6 years working on arts and crafts projects for our fundraisers. She is a volunteer for Meals on Wheels and has worked with Junior Achievement. Her past work experience was as Vice President of the Moorestown Recreation Department.
Only ballots with name and address of current member will be counted. Your vote is confidential and viewed only by the Election Committee. After confirmation ballots will be shredded.
Deadline is December 1, 2016 at 5:00 PM. Drop off at the DRS Community Center or the SB Civic Center as indicated below:
David R. Schechter Community Center 1089 S. Patrick Dr. |
Mon – Fri 8:30- 5:00 |
Satellite Beach Civic Center, 565 Cassia Blvd. |
Mon Only 9:00 – 11:00 am (Bingo table) |
Mail to: 55+ Election Committee, DRS Community Center, 1089 S Patrick Dr, Satellite Beach, FL 32937 |
If you know a current member that did not receive a newsletter, which will include this ballot, please note that extra ballots can be obtained at the DRS Community Center or at Monday BINGO between 9:00 – 11:00 AM. Remember that only one newsletter will be sent to two members with the same last name, living at the
same address. Either make a copy of the ballot or obtain another copy from the DRS Community Center or Bingo on Mondays.