I sent my granddaughters names in for the “Send your name to Mars” and received a cute, but fake, boarding pass.

SEND YOUR NAME TO MARS – Ever wanted to have your name on Mars? You now have the chance to do just that thanks through a program NASA has offered whereby people can make that happen simply by registering their names for free at

Those who register are also asked for their countries, postal code and e-mails. Previously there was a sign up for Mars 2020 mission, but that opportunity is closed. With that window closed, the new sign-up period will give those who register the chance to have their name on board a mission to Mars sometime in mid-2020’s, NASA says. There is no close date to the registration period as of yet. Those who register can pick up a boarding pass on this site and check their” frequent flyer miles! Thus far, as of July 24, there are more than 526,000 registrations made for people to have their names on board a mission to Mars.