Jill has a great trip planned on April 16-21, 2015 to Washington, DC, please call Jill for more detailed information. To stay updated on travel contact these ladies:
Extended Trips- Jill Blakeway 321/773-2080 jillB215@aol.com
Day Trips- Terry Mellon at 321/773-7705 boggieb@bellsouth.net
Happy travels to all! Here’s a recap of 2014 day travels. We started off the year with a trip to a comedy club. Then we traveled to Coconut Creek Casino, for a day of gaming, lunch, bingo on board, and movies going and coming. We will do more casino trips in January
2015, and may attend the Strawberry Festival in February. If interested please call me, Terry Mellon at 321-773-7705.
Submitted by Terry Mellon