All posts by Fifty Five Plus


On March 28th the travel group went to Medieval Times in Kissimmee. Our gang enjoyed a movie on the bus going and coming, along with a grand dinner and show. As usual, Casey, our bus driver, got us back safe and sound. Keep posted for future trips.

Submitted by Terry Mellon

Summertime Schedule Adjustment


  • BOOK CLUB: The May book of choice is Grey Mountain by John Grisham. Discussion will be held Wednesday May 6 at noon. There will be no book club June, July & August. If interested, the Satellite Beach Library has a book club that would be happy to have you attend.
  • BUNCO: meets the second Friday at NY Pizza Restaurant for June, July & August
  • CARDS: on Thurs. will not meet June 18
  • DINNER GANG: meeting for June 2 & August 4 reservations, call Barbara 773-3050, location TBA.
  • FISHING: The club will continue to meet the second Thurs. at 1:00pm during June, July & August at Pelican Beach Park pavilion. The group recently took a trip to the offshore reef on the party boat Ocean Obsession. It was a bit of a rough ocean that day but the fishing was good. The catch included snappers, grunts, triggerfish and a few blue runners. Their next venue will be on the surf to go for the last of the bluefish. Fishing days are announced via e-mail.
  • LINE DANCING: the beginner line dance class that begun in March at 11:45am on Tuesdays will not meet during the summer! The 1:00pm class will continue to meet and all levels are welcome to join this class.
  • LUNCH BUNCH: meets the 3rd Wed., for July & August and time will change to 12noon. Barbara will be the contact for these months, call her at 773-3050.
  • MAHJONGG: meets Wed. at 9:00am and will meet at a couple of locations. Please mark your calendar:
    • June 3, 24, July 1, 8, 22, Aug 5 at NY Pizza on A1A in SB
    • June 10,17, July 15, 29, Aug. 12 & 19 at the SB Civic Center on Cassia Blvd.
  • WALKING: time changes to 7:30-8:30am T-W-TH starting in June 2- Aug. 27.

Continuing Education – Lecture Series

Florida Tech’s Lifelong Scholar Program lectures held at the Harris Community Auditorium (next door to the Foosaner Art Museum), and at the Knowledge Exchange (just south of campus on Babcock St.). Series is open to the public. Plus, there’s free pie!!!! Nominal fees apply. Call 321/674-8382 or email pdpregistration@fi Up-Coming topics are
March 13 Sunjammer: The largest Solar Sail to ever fly in space; March 27 School for Victory: Florida’s role in World War II; April 3 I lived on Mars….well, kind of!; April 24 Things Fall Apart: Poetic experimentation and World War II