All posts by Fifty Five Plus

Spring AHEAD for 55+Club Fun

Movie Group Like to go to the movies? It is more fun to go with friends. Why not join the Last Friday Movie Group? If you are interested or have an idea – give Carol Robitschek a call at 321/773-5139 or 321/604-0143. Transportation is available if needed. The movie dates are March 28th, April 25th & May 30th. Your ideas will be greatly appreciated.

Craft & Book Club Continues to meet on the 1st Wed. of each month, 12 noon at the DRS Community Center with a new spin. Bring your lunch each month. They will alternate Craft and Book review monthly. Patrick Paperbacks at 1680 A1A in SB offers book discounts. Suggestions are welcome on books and crafts. If you aren’t a reader, please feel free to join the group. Maybe bring a craft that you are working on or just join us for the camaraderie. Call Joyce Scafi di 321/961-6408 [email protected] for any questions and to RSVP. Many thanks to Louise Daley, Movie Group and Betsy Half, Arts & Crafts for their years of dedication and work in making these activities fun & enjoyable to our members.

Fishing Club According to Gene, the weather has not been good to fisherpersons. Early in the year the wind was relentless and the wave action in the river was pretty intense. The group was able to get a couple of outings together, and more will follow as the temp gets a bit warmer. Please contact Gene at 321/773-4647 or [email protected]

Chess or Cribbage Two great ways to keep your mind on its toes and enjoy some social time. Call for more information. Chess – Call Dick at 321/777-0255 or rkircher@cfl Cribbage – Call Jerry at 321/777-3460 or gnordling@cfl

2014 DUES Oops! Forget to pay? This is is the last newsletter you will receive. Dues can be paid at the Thurs. Greeting Table or any of the 55+ functions you attend. Just give your dues to the committee chairperson.

Around The Club January-February 2014

Untitled-1Holiday Luncheon/Annual Meeting

The 11th Annual Meeting and Christmas party was enjoyed by more than 150 members. Chairman Marty Hindsley recognized the board and committee chairpersons for their work throughout the year and gave each a token gift, along with a reusable bag donated by Hospice of St Francis. Outstanding Volunteer of the Year Award went to the quiet but always there Cynthia Rippey, a
much deserved honor. The Club could not run without the endless amount of hours donated by so many members and we are grateful to each of you but some people, like Cynthia, seem to always be in the background. Not today Cynthia, it was your day to shine! Thank you for consistently helping out.

Jill Blakeway earned a place on the plaque which hangs on the wall in the DRS Center; many thanks also to Karen Smith for continuing to do a great job with the newsletter.

Winn Dixie catered the lunch and American In Home Care donated the many sinful choices at the Ice Cream Bar. The event was opened with a demonstration from our Line Dancers, then a great Irish Step Dance routine by McKenzie. Many thanks to the 3 Louises’-Tavani, Daly and Stevenson for their help also Joyce and Shirley; Barbara Hessler for the beautiful table decorations; Laverne, Courtney Springs and Victoria Landing for donating door prizes, Joan Spencer and of course Cynthia Rippey for their help in the kitchen. Satellite Beach City employees supported us all the way, thank you! As we move into 2014 we look forward to what we hope will be a great year! We’ll make new friends and enjoy being a part of the 55+ Club! Happy New Year!

Jill Blakeway

2014 Board:

The following members were voted and approved at the Dec. 12, 2013 annual meeting and holiday luncheon: President,
Marty Hindsley; Vice President, Jill Blakeway; Treasurer, Linda Burson; Recording Secretary, Joan Spencer; Corresponding Secretary, Laverne Johnson; Member at Large, Susie Dyer, Membership, Louise Stevenson.

A Fishy Story

After retiring from my RN job in an Emergency Room, I decided it would be a great idea to join a club and do some fishing. When I contacted the 55 Plus Club I was surprised they didn’t have a fishing club, WHAT!? So I decided to start one, and that was about 6 months ago.

Our club is still pretty small, with folks attending when they are in town. No matter, Snowbirds or regulars, all are welcome. Meetings are informal, and our objectives are the same as the 55 Plus Club objectives, Friendship, Education, Fun and Relaxation.

At meetings you will get a chance to talk about your fishing experiences and learn about tips and techniques; and provide an opportunity to fish in venues that may be new to some members. The club meets on the second THURSDAY of each month at the DRS Community Center at 1 PM. Hope to see Y’all there. Contact me for more information
at 321/773-4647 or [email protected].

The Old Stinky Fisherman, Gene

Annual Picnic Review:

The annual picnic was a great success. HOT! but a lot of fun. Joanne Everett organized the event and it went off without a hitch. Good picnic food, hot dogs with all the trimmings; cookies and pudding for dessert. Betsy Haff ran the silent auction, people loved it, we had a lot of fun deciding which jar to put our ticket in, and what were the odds on winning that item! Thanks to Louise Stevenson, Michelle Bevacqua, Terry Mellon, Louise Tavani, Susie Dyer, Betsy Haff — and the many businesses who donated goodies: Publix, Chick fil-A, Wells Fargo, gave prizes along with other people. Everyone went home with something. Great job Joanne!


Louise & Ken StevensonThe trip to ICE at Gaylord Palms on Tues. Dec. 17th was wonderful! Two million pounds of colorful hand sculpted ice was a sight to see! We were warm wearing their lovely parka’s, but our fingers froze (even with gloves on). The trip over & back by Casey with Casino Connections was smooth sailing.

Holiday Luncheon/Annual Meeting

Annual Meeting/Holiday Luncheon -Thurs. Dec. 12th, 11:00am promptly! Scotty Culp Municipal Complex/Civic Center, 565 Cassia Blvd., Satellite Beach. Tickets are available at Bingo, Wed. Eve. Cards, Line Dance, Thurs. Greeting Table & Coupon Group. Seating is limited. Lunch will include – Turkey Croissant Sandwich, fruit, dessert and drink. We will have door prizes and a 50/50 drawing. Dessert is provided by our newsletter sponsor American InHome Care. Please bring a non perishable food item for the So. Brevard Sharing Center.