If you have not paid your 2020 dues this will be the last newsletter you receive by either email or postal mail! Your $10 dues are paid at the DRS Community Center, Monday-Friday from 8:30am to 5:00pm or at Monday Bingo. You can also mail it to 1089 So. Patrick Dr., Satellite Beach, Fl. 32937. The newsletter is now being sent by email through MailChimp’s secure server and contains links to our website for additional information. Please always check your SPAM folder and add [email protected] to your “Safe Sender Contact” list to ensure continued delivery of our newsletter. There will also be a sign-up form on our webpage for new members. If you no longer wish to receive the emailed newsletter, there will be an “Unsubscribe” link at the bottom of every email. Please Unsubscribe rather than mark us as Spam to ensure the integrity of our list. If you do not have an email, your newsletter will continue to be postal mailed to you. In addition, also announcements for special
events will be sent by this process. Please help us save on postage while being environmentally friendly reducing paper use. If you DO NOT have an email, your newsletter will continue to be postal mailed to you. In addition, announcements for special events or flyers will be sent by MailChimp. Please help us save on postage while being environmentally more friendly reducing paper use. **If you DO have an email address and you HAVE NOT been receiving email announcement from the 55+ Club, its because we have an incorrect email address for you!!! Please make this correction.
All posts by Fifty Five Plus
We need you! We are looking for someone to send occasional press releases to local publications on behalf of the 55+ Club. This is truly an easy job and can be done from home at your computer. For example: You would send information about an upcoming event, such as the Health Fair (sending the who, what, where) to “Hometown News”. We will show you exactly how to complete this task and it would help our club tremendously to let our community know of the various events the club is offering. Contact Louise S. at 321/202-7337 or [email protected]
Have you gotten yours? The 55+ Club has ordered ceramic coffee mugs with the club logo. They sell for $10 each and are available at Monday Bingo or by contacting Louise S. 321/202-7337 or [email protected]. The cups have a cork bottom and a lid to help prevent spills. We encourage members to bring their cups to various club functions to help in the reduction of “single use items” such as Styrofoam. Think green by reusing, reducing and recycling!
Twenty-eight club members and guests enjoyed the January 14th trip to Isle of Capri. Shown here is Peggy Parker holding a voucher for a whopping $.10 cents! However, later she won $180 and took it all home! Good job Peggy!
Unfortunately, The Sanford Boat Cruise on the Barbara Lee scheduled for March 31st has been canceled.
We had hoped we could extend the deadline, but the company emphatically wanted a $600.00 deposit by Monday Feb. 17th. As you know, this was a “non-refundable” trip and as of that date, we had not gotten enough reservations. We hope you can understand, the club could not put up that much money in hopes that enough people would sign up. At $82 per person, it was one of our more costly trips, but this included everything from transportation, food, cruise and more. Everyone who went on this trip a year ago thoroughly enjoyed themselves.
Also, this decision came after our newsletter went to print, and unfortunately you will see it advertised in the March/April issue. Pass this information on please.
Watch for a casino trip in May and please don’t wait to sign up! For Day trip questions you can contact Joyce at 321/961-6408 or [email protected]
Collette Travel and the 55+ Club continue to offer great travel choices.
- Biloxi & New Orleans – March 23-28, 2020.
- Spectacular gaming! Guided tour of Bay of St. Louis! River boat cruise on the Mississippi River and much more. Double occupancy $500.
More details are in the flyers located in the brochure holder at the DRS Community Center. Contact Jill Blakeway at 321-773-2080 [email protected]