All posts by Fifty Five Plus


Join us for our annual fall event, Thurs. October 24, 2019, 11:00am-2:00pm, at the DRS Community Center. Tickets go on sale Sept. 30th and the cost is $5/members & $7/guests and can be purchased at the DRS Community Center or at Bingo. Tickets are required. Lunch includes chicken tenders, potato salad, fruit, roll, beverage and dessert will be provided courtesy of Hospice of St Francis! Come and enjoy entertainment by male vocalist “Snookie”. Help local food banks for Thanksgiving and bring a non-perishable
food item to the luncheon. Mark your calendar for the Annual Meeting and Holiday Party, Thursday Dec. 12, 2019.


The 55+ Club has ordered ceramic coffee mugs with the club logo. They sell for $10 each and will be available at all special events and at Monday Bingo. The cups have a cork bottom and a lid to help prevent spills. We encourage members to bring their cups to various club functions to help in the reduction of “single use items” such as Styrofoam. Think green by reusing, reducing and recycling! Hand washing of these mugs is recommended.


Monday bingo is doing great! Attendance is down a bit during the summer, but members are enjoying the comradery and having fun. Louise Stevenson, shown in the picture is not a regular bingo attendee, but came to play the game a couple of Mondays. She won twice! The crowd could be heard saying “beginners luck”. Perhaps, but she did have fun, and recommends you come out and try your luck. Bring your friends for one complimentary day of play (card fees apply), membership is required for future attendance. Also pictured are Bingo Chairperson Anna Fake and assistant Chairperson, Terry Mellon.


Thank you to Sandy, Linn, Roberta Laverne and Marilyn who have stepped up to assist! This is asimple way to help your club at events with little commitment. No planning just extra hands to assist! If you can help us please contact Louise 321/202-7337 or louinthesun@cfl


September 20, 2019 at 4:00pm at the David R. Schechter Community Center. Invitations have been mailed to new members who have joined our club from Sept. 2018 through Sept. 2019 and tickets are on sale for current members and their guests at the DRS Community Center. Tickets are limited! Questions can be directed to Louise S. at 321/202-7337 or louinthesun@cfl