All posts by Fifty Five Plus


On Thursday, October 10 there will be a trip to Isle of Capri. Cost is $40 per person. You will receive $15 in free play and $5 towards buffet. Departure from the DRS Center will be 8:00am and return approx. 6:30pm. If you currently have a casino card, please supply that number OR you will need to provide your date of birth and address in order to receive your “free play” card from the casino.

You must call Mary Ann to reserve your spot and then drop off checks only – payable to “Casino Connections”, by Sept. 27th to
the DRS Community Center. CANCELLATIONS: A full 24 hr notice is required to receive a refund. Reservations and questions must be directed to Mary Ann D’Arminio 609/705-2345.


The 55+ Club has partnered with Collette travel to bring you some exciting travel excursions.

  • Discover Scotland …. March 15-24 2020
  • Explore Tuscany November 9-17 2019

Extended Bus Trip:

Biloxi & New Orleans, March 23 -28, 2020. Spectacular gaming! Enjoy a guided tour of Bay of St. Louis and a river boat cruise on the Mississippi River! Much more will be included. $500 double occupancy. Check the brochure rack at the DRS Community Center for more information or call Jill 321/773-2080 or [email protected]


On July 12th twelve fisher people went on a charter boat trip to Pelican Flats. All had a good time and said the captain worked hard to help find Red Snapper. Among them they caught about 2/3 of their allotment plus other things. One member returned to the same location on July 14th and caught his limit of Red Snappers! For more information regarding the 55+ Fishing Group Contact Gene at 321/773-4647 [email protected]


APRIL 8-12, 2019 • An AMAZING Trip!

We had a wonderful visit to Myrtle Beach! Where did the days go? We traveled with the nicest group of people; everyone was so happy, polite, helpful and courteous … we all made a lot of new friends!

Our bus driver was adorable, everyone wanted to adopt him and take him home! Diamond Tours are fantastic trips, so organized, things just fl ow so smoothly. Our itinerary
included a visit to a working farm, museums, quaint shopping areas, gift shops and restaurants. And of course great shows; we saw some fantastic entertainment, a magic show and maybe best of all comedy. We didn’t have to drive to places we are not familiar with, we didn’t have to fight city traffic. Our stops were planned and there was always someone there to greet us and tell us where to go. We had the comfort and security of knowing people were watching out for each other yet respecting our independence. So many of us are widows or widowers and don’t like to travel alone, we have the solution! Join us next time, forget about those aches and pains, they will still be there when you return but you will have had an amazing experience for a few wonderful days.

Submitted by Jill Blakeway


Hospice Care: What to expect when your loved one is at home

A main concern for most people faced with terminal illness is whether they’ll be able to die wherever they call “home.” Hospice care helps eliminate that worry, making it possible for people to spend their final moments of life in their preferred surroundings. By definition, hospice is intended to help terminally ill people remain comfortable during the last six months of their lives. The care can be administered at the patient’s home, hospice inpatient units as well as hospitals, nursing homes and assisted living communities or residential care facilities.

When a loved one is receiving hospice care at home, these are the questions hospice providers are often asked:

• How will pain be managed? Hospice is an end-of-life care option tailored to the needs of each patient and family. It includes expert pain management, but also goes
beyond medical care, by providing emotional and spiritual support. The care is provided by interdisciplinary teams of palliative care experts, including physicians, nurses, home health aides, social workers, chaplains, bereavement specialists and volunteers.

• If the patient prefers to remain at home, what kind of assistance and in-home care will be available? Routine home care is available in accordance to the patient’s individualized plan of care. Continuous care, during a brief period of crisis, can be available for up to 24 hours a day. When patients or family members have questions or concerns after business hours, they can often get immediate answers and help by calling an after-hours service.

• What does hospice care cost? Does insurance cover it? Medicare pays for hospice services. Many states have established Medicaid coverage for hospice, and almost all private insurers and managed care plans provide coverage for hospice care as well.

For more information about hospice care or your end-of-life care options, call VITAS Healthcare at 321-751-6671 or visit

By Susan Acocella, VITAS Healthcare General Manager


You are welcome to join us on September 20, 2019 at 4:00pm at the David R. Schechter Community Center. Enjoy wine, tea and hors de’oeuvres. Meet board and committee
members and learn about the various activities offered and ask questions. Members who have joined our club from Sept. 2018 through Sept. 2019 will receive a mailed post card invitation. Current club members & guests are invited to attend at a cost of $5pp. Tickets are required and are limited!!!! Tickets may be purchased at the DRS Community Center beginning August 19th. Questions can be directed to Louise S. at 321/202-7337 or louinthesun@cfl