Bernice Roth just celebrated her 93rd birthday with the Sassy (Surprisingly Agile Seniors Staying Young) line dance group. She loves to dance and leads a very active lifestyle. So no more excuses folks. Come on down and meet Bernice and the rest of the dancers on Tuesdays at 1:00pm. It’s all about moving and having fun. Bernice has a tote that
has this saying on it “All The Ills Of Mankind, All The Tragic Misfortunes That Fill Our History Books, All The Political Blunders, All The Failures Of The Great Leaders Have Arisen Merely From A Lack of Skill In Dancing” Moliere (1622-1673)
All posts by Fifty Five Plus
is on hold for now due to some unforeseen circumstances. Watch for updates. When life isn’t going right, turn left!
Here’s a way to help your club with little commitment. The 55+ Club offers 5 to 6 social events for the year Sept.-April. Each event is planned by our Social Chairpersons, but they also need assistance the day of the event, so we are putting together a “Hospitality Team” that will be the “busy bees” on the day of event with setting the tables, help
with decorations, food prep and sometimes serving. After the event, help with clean up. All the planning will be done, we just need a few extra hands to assist. Remember, it takes a village! If you can assist us please contact Louise S. at 321/202-7337 or louinthesun@cfl
The garden bed located at the tennis court area off of DeSoto is moving along. Unfortunately the club was inadvertently assigned the wrong area and spent time cleaning and weeding only to find out they were assigned the wrong bed! They have been assigned #13 and they’ve decided that’s going to be a lucky number!! So back to square one with weeding etc. If you are available, PLEASE DO go over to the bed and weed. Even though it has been weeded, we know more weeds will pop back up and any additional pulling will help. It’s a nice little area tucked back in the south east section with a picnic table in the shade, so bring your lunch.
In the future Gene would like to plan a trip to a local garden, but haven’t decided where and when. Come join them at the meetings on the second Mondays at 11:00am at the DRS Center. Call him for summer meeting location, and please, bring a friend. Gene also can share some good information about container gardening! Contact Gene at 321/773-4647 [email protected]
will resume Tues. September 3rd from 8:00am to 9:30am with Jean’s extra help and will only be available on Tuesdays and Thursdays until Gigie returns mid-November. We will announce when walking resumes on Wednesdays. THANK YOU to Jean Iorio and Gigie Kunigonis for continuing to assist with this activity.
Phyllis and Marianne are planning several entertaining events for 2019 and 2020. Make a note of these dates and more information will follow.
- New Member Reception – Sept. 20th
- Fall Fest – Oct 24th
- Annual Meeting and Holiday Luncheon – Dec. 12th.