All posts by Fifty Five Plus


DINNER GANG: Thank you to Barbara Hessler who has stepped up as the Dinner Gang Chairperson, along with her many hats! The group will meet on:

  • May 7, 2019 at Melo’s on Eau Gallie
  • June 4th at Palm Shores Bistro at 5:30pm.

It is important to respond, so please RSVP to Barbara at 321/773-3050. Thank you to Floss Orr for her many, many years being the chairperson for the Dinner Gang group.

GARDEN GROUP: met on March 11th and Nick Sanzone, the city’s Environmental Programs Coordinator, came to speak on the garden area at The Logos Community Garden located at DeSoto Park. The group met again on April 8th and worked on the garden area #14 that needed weeding. The May 13th meeting at the DRS will focus on gardening questions and on June 10th they will meet at the garden site. Be sure to join them! Contact Gene O’Connell at 321/773-4647 [email protected] to fi nd out summer meeting location.

WALKING: Thank you to Gigie Kunigonis for stepping up to assist on Wednesday & Thursday and to Jean Iorio for taking Tuesdays. Walking time is 8:00am to 9:30am and will continue through May. There will be NO walking in June, July & August. Walking will return in some capacity in Sept. Questions – contact Gigie at 321/693-0520 or Jean 321/626-0835.

MOVIE GROUP: is back! Join them on the last Tuesday of the month. Movie time to be announced and maybe lunch afterwards. For May 28th, RSVP to Louise Daley at 321/427-9100 or [email protected]

EVENT PLANNER: Thank you to Phyllis Principe’ and Marianne Sinclair for stepping up to the plate to help the club with this task. The ladies are busy working on events for the remainder of 2019 and before this year is over, they will have a whole line up for 2020!


Time changes, cancellations or some facility alterations of some monthly activities will take place this summer. So please note & save:

  • Bingo – does not meet Memorial Day May 27
  • Basic Line Dance – meets at the Civic Center, 1pm, June 6 & June 13
  • Tues. Line Dance – June 4 and 11 will meet at the DRS Center from 10-11am
  • Book Club – does not meet June, July & August
  • Dinner Gang – New contact Barbara Hessler 321/773-3050
  • Thurs. Cards & Games meets in Game Room ONLY. Does not meet Thurs. July 4th.
  • Gardening Group – meets at Community Garden June 10th
  • Walking – will continue on Tues, Wed. & Thurs. through May. There will be NO walking June, July & August. Walking will resume in Sept. in some capacity.


Join the grand opening for the Desoto Field, 499 DeSoto on May 4th from 9-11am. Explore the exercise equipment and walking trail. Breakfast for purchase from Wicked Pineapple and kick off the event with a free Zumba class by Rochelle! Free blood pressure checks and an exercise challenge with prizes!


Monday Bingo has been running well under the new leadership of Anna Fake. Thank you to Anna and her Bingo team! The Garage Sale was a big success and netted $451 and a raffle was held through the month of March for a chance to win a wonderful basket filled with everything Italian!!! The drawing was held Monday March 25th and the winner of the Italian basket was Rita DeLuca. Congratulations! Proceeds from the garage sale and raffle basket have gone to help give bingo the financial boost it very much needed.

We want to thank ALL of the many members who graciously and generously donated items to sell at the Garage Sale. There are too many names to list that donated. We do want to thank those who worked that day either setting up, selling, or cleaning up at the end. It was a beautiful day, but very, very hot and all were very tired! Thank you to Susie Dyer, Gail Ellis, Gail Sullivan, Dolores Tabor, Meldra Vicario, Jerry Russell, Sal & Michele Bevacqua, Joyce Scafidi, Louise Stevenson, Terry Mellon and Bonnie Donaldson.
We sincerely apologize if anyone was not mentioned. If you have questions regarding bingo or are available to assist in any way please contact Anna at 321/775-0227 or at [email protected]. NOTE: “No Bingo May 27th.


…is very active in our community with services that our citizens may not be aware of. In addition to providing 911 services for an emergency, the Fire Department also has a Community Health Paramedic Program. This program offers residents a “Wellness Check.” This “Wellness check ” helps residents stay ahead of an illness or injury by using a proactive approach. They will take vital signs, offer assistance with needed resources, and education along with a home safety assessment for fall prevention. The Community
Health Paramedic will also evaluate the current situation and advocate for the resident who needs medical assistance. They will recommend the most appropriate level of care and mode of transportation for the situation. This is an invaluable service and at times, it can save a life. Community Health Paramedic 24-7 on call Non-Emergency Cell Phone 321-313-4076, and Always For life threatening emergencies call 911.