On May 22nd the 55+ Day Travel Group enjoyed a trip to the Isle of Capri Casino. The bus picked them up at the DRS Community Center in the morning and they returned by early evening. Like to travel? Trips for July & August are not sponsored by the our club, however, Casino Connections will still offer day trips for those months. Every Friday there will be a trip to Isle of Capri. Club members are welcome to join these excursions and should call Ellen at 321/432-1511 to find out more information and to sign up.
All posts by Fifty Five Plus
Walking Chairperson, Myrna Jenkins unfortunately had broken her arm while on vacation and upon her return, it was necessary to cancel walking during the summer. However, Myrna is on the mend and will resume walking in the gym on August 14th from 8:00- 9:00am. All that being said, if you are enjoying any of the programs that the club has to offer, please help us and take the initiative when assistance is needed. Walking could have continued during the summer if members had stepped up to assist. Don’t sit back and assume someone else will do it!
Blood donors save lives. My late husband lived 18 years with leukemia; that wouldn’t have been possible without donated blood. To return the favor, Raj’s team and our partner, First Wave Financial, invite you to join us for the 10th Raj S Shah Memorial Blood drive on Saturday, August 25th, 8:30 am to 4:30 pm, 1300 A1A, between Ellwood and Glenwood, Satellite Beach, 32937. About 38 percent of people are eligible to donate but less than 10 percent actually do. Please come donate or send family or friends. It is the blood already on the shelves that saves lives in an emergency. [email protected] 321-427-7459
Submitted by, Joanne Regan
Applications are available for those members interested in running for the 2019 55+ Club Executive Board. Applications can be picked up at the DRS Community Center. If requested they can be mailed or emailed to you. DEADLINE for returning these applications is September 1, 2018. Elections will take place in December and positions include:
- Chairperson
- Vice Chairperson
- Recording Secretary
- Corresponding Secretary
- Treasurer
- Member-at-Large
To run for one of these positions or to learn more about any of the Activity Chair positions, please call: Betsy Haff 321/960-0956, Nomination Chairperson or a member of the Nomination Committee. Susie Dyer, 321/777-1398; Sandy Kent 321/773-2357; Lorriane Kuriger 321/773-
6882; Evelyn Sepanik 321/725-1015 or Joyce Welch 321/254-3856.
Bob Mellon, 55+ Club member has lived an exciting life. Bob served in the US Air Force from 1954 to 1974. He trained as a Flight Engineer performing aircraft inspections such as non-scheduled aircraft maintenance and preflight, through-flight, and post-flight inspections of aircraft away from home station.
Three hundred soldiers applied to be the Flight Engineer for Air Force One, and Bob was chosen. Qualifications were strict! Applicants who applied could not ever have gotten as much as a parking ticket or would be automatically denied. Bob flew Air
Force One from 1969 to 1974. During this time he served under Presidents Lyndon B. Johnson and Richard Nixon. Along with their families, Lady Bird Johnson and the Nixon daughters, Julie & Pat were often passengers. Many celebrities also flew on Air Force One such as Jimmie Stewart, Jill St. John, Sammy Davis Jr., and royalty such as the King of Norway and Queen Elizabeth of England. Bob will tell you that at any given time, while on assignment on Air Force One, it was not unusual to sleep in as many as 35 different states overnight.
After retiring from the Air Force in 1974, Bob’s high level of security clearance enabled him to get a job at NASA and work and study under Dr. Wernher Magnus Von Brahn. Dr. Von Brahn (March 23, 1912-June 16, 1977) was a German, later American, an aerospace engineer and space architect. Following the war, Von Braun was secretly moved to the United States. Bob
was a quality Insurance Inspector for the Titan and Atlas rockets under the direction of Von Braun.
Bob finally retired from the Space Center in 2007. Not wanting to be idle, Bob began a job at The King Center, where his wife Terry was volunteering at the time, in a security position and remained there for ten years. Both Bob & Terry Mellon have been active volunteers in our community and remain active members of The 55+ Club. Thank you for your service, Bob!
Submitted by, Louise Stevenson
Members of the 55+ Club celebrated St Patrick’s Day with Zon Beachside on March 15th, how lucky was that! Approximately 78 members came out wearing their green to enjoy corned beef and cabbage with Janet and Chef Liz from our Beachside Luxury Assisted Living facility.
Janet enlightened us as to the amazing state-of-the–art services offered by Zon, how much fun it can be to live there and how secure residents feel in their care. Chef Liz whisked up a delightful meal, although she made it look easy, Be sure to stop by Zon when you are in the neighborhood; they would love to see you.
Many thanks to our friends at Zon and to all the 55+ volunteers who pitched in to help.
Submitted by, Jill Blakeway