All posts by Fifty Five Plus


Your Nominating Committee is looking for interested club members to help make your club grow. It’s election time for 2017 Board positions.

Would you…

  • Enjoy new activities?
  • Attend informative lunches?
  • Give a few hours of your time to make all of this happen?

Volunteering can be rewarding and an excellent way to make new friends and stay active. Candidate applications for the 55+ Club Board positions are available at the DRS Community Center M-F and at the Satellite Beach Civic Center on Mondays 9:00-11:00am at Bingo.

Or feel free to call a Nominating Committee member. Shirley Pinard 321/806-0822; JoAnn Fisher 321/368-3817 or Thelma Hanel 321/613-5661. The deadline for application returns is Sept. 16th.


Be sure to check your newsletter calendar because schedules may have changed and we don’t want you to miss a thing!

I am very happy to say several members have come forward to share the responsibility of planning the Club’s future. Thank you! We must have new ideas in order to grow so it’s wonderful that so many people care enough to get involved. But there is still room for you, so come on! What are you waiting for? Start by coming to the board meetings the 3rd Wednesday at 9am at the DRS.

Lots of exciting things are planned for the fall; many many trips both long and short! Hope to see you at the Bucket List lunch, that should be really interesting.

Please continue to support our sponsors, they are the greatest! Thank you all!

Submitted by Chairperson, Jill Blakeway


The day’s events were great fun hot weather and all! Those who attended had a good time. The home made fans came in handy, thanks to my granddaughter and her friend who worked hard making them. The food was good and there was plenty
of it, no one went away hungry. The white elephant sale was a great success. We played a few games, but due to the heat most were happy to leave early. Regardless of the steamy weather, it was just nice gathering together for fun & fellowship.
The the red, white and blue wreath raffled off and made by Louise Stevenson was won by Laverne Johnson. A BIG thank you to all who helped make this event a success and to all for coming and supporting the day. We look forward to seeing you
at the Harvest festival in October.

Submitted by Joanne Everett


1The coupon club continues to meet every 3rd Wednesday of the month at the Satellite Beach Library from 2 to 3 pm. Bring the coupons you are not using or flyers from the Sunday papers, and get the coupons you do need. Also we are accepting any expired coupons. They are taken to PAFB where they are mailed over to our soldiers stationed overseas. Our group consists of 8 to 10 members. Because
the group meets at the Library, it is also open to the public.


Florida Tech’s Lifelong Scholar Program lectures continue:

  • Sept. 8: Hurricane Season
  • Sept. 22: History of Rock and Roll
  • Oct. 13: Chemical Warfare
  • Oct. 27: Tracking Diseases
  • Nov. 10: Rating the Past U.S. Presidents (the good, bad and unbelievable!)
  • Dec. 8: Tour of the F.W. Olin Observatory

Go to this or call 321/674-8382 or email [email protected]