Category Archives: Activities


Does getting away sound good to you? Even with some uncertainty, we expect to get back to some level of normal by the new year.

“New Year, New Beginning”!
The Biloxi/New Orleans bus trip from March 2020 has been rescheduled for same time, same place next year! Everyone who was signed up to go in 2020 will have first choice to register for the March 15-20, 2021 trip. There will be some extra seats so make your travel plans now! Contact Jill for questions at 321-773-2080 or [email protected]


The Satellite Beach United Methodist Church, across from Satellite High School football field on Jackson Ave., is distributing food on Tuesdays at 10:30am. It is their plan to continue to end of the year and distribution lasts until the food is gone. There are no qualifications and you are not asked your name or any personal information. You can pick up for other families in need. All are asked to stay in your car, get in line and follow the signs posted.


WellCare, a Medicare Advantage and Prescription Drug Plan company will be offering free online classes via ZOOM. Currently sessions include Chair Yoga and a Healthy Cooking class. To access these programs, download ZOOM at then open the app and click on “join meeting”, add the meeting “id and password”. Chair Yoga held Thursdays at 1pm, ID 7589620164, password WellCare. Cooking held Thursdays at 4pm, ID is 845 571 3569, password WellCare. This will send you to the class. OR go to your web browser and enter the URL:

Enjoy! If you are totally confused Mary D’Agostino from WellCare said you are welcome to call her at 321/543-2911.


There will be more information on this subject in your Nov/Dec newsletter, but I wanted to share with you something that happened to me after the newsletter went to print. I received my 10th “final notice” call to renew my vehicle warranty! This time I stayed on the line and listened. It did prompt me to press a certain number for more information, don’t do that, but it also gave me the option to press another number to be removed from their calling list. It may be worth staying on the line and listening before you delete the phone number or hang up.


Surprise! We received a call from a member who very much wants to start walking back up and volunteered to open/close the DRS Gym. Thank Judy Anttilla for stepping up! Walking will begin on Tues. Oct. 20 8:00-9:00am and Wed. Oct. 21 & Thurs. Oct 22 from 8:00 to 9:30am. Note the shorter time period on Tuesday. Current COVID guidelines will be followed. Judy can be reached at 321/777-8764 [email protected]
Pass the word!