Category Archives: News


This group meets the third Wednesday of every month at the Satellite Beach public library. Bring with you your flyers from the Sunday paper or on line coupons and get the ones you need. We also collect expired coupons which are sent to our deployed soldiers. Come join us at 2pm to 3pm.


Your 55+ Club yearly dues of $7.00 are due. You may pay these at the DRS Center Office M-F, 8:30-5:00pm, at the Thursday Greeting Table or give to any 55+ Club Chairperson.
Members who have not paid their dues by the end of February 2017 will be dropped from the membership list. Please renew NOW, don’t wait! It takes a lot more work to reinstate a
member after they are dropped from our records. So save us the extra steps please!


The Nov. 10th fundraiser “Bingo for Designer Bags” event was a great success! Eighty people were in attendance and all enjoyed bingo play, wonderful homemade desserts, 50/50 raffle and more. Unfortunately, they had some problems with the bingo equipment so bingo play time was shortened, but all could see how much new equipment is needed.

Thanks to everyone who attended and helped make this event so successful. Many thanks to all those who donated desserts, jewelry, purses and most of all — time and talent!


I hope you are enjoying your time with the 55+ Club; there are so many programs and events to participate in. Be sure to share your busy life style with your neighbors and friends, maybe they would like to have fun with the 55+ Club also. We all know people who enjoy fishing, play chess or Bunco, and go out to lunch or dinner; invite a friend, you’ll feel good when you reach out to someone who maybe alone. Don’t forget travel! We have contracts with Collette Travel and Premiere Discovery Travel, they go everywhere in the world. These companies give 55+ a commission on bookings and that money goes in the Bingo Savings account because as you all know we are saving for a new Bingo machine. So keep smiling, be involved and stay
young! Happy Holidays!

Submitted by Chairperson, Jill Blakeway

Thank you to Collette Travel, Mary Lou Carroll, Jean Bienemahn and Lorraine Kuriger for their donation to the New Bingo Equipment Fund!