Category Archives: News


The day’s events were great fun hot weather and all! Those who attended had a good time. The home made fans came in handy, thanks to my granddaughter and her friend who worked hard making them. The food was good and there was plenty
of it, no one went away hungry. The white elephant sale was a great success. We played a few games, but due to the heat most were happy to leave early. Regardless of the steamy weather, it was just nice gathering together for fun & fellowship.
The the red, white and blue wreath raffled off and made by Louise Stevenson was won by Laverne Johnson. A BIG thank you to all who helped make this event a success and to all for coming and supporting the day. We look forward to seeing you
at the Harvest festival in October.

Submitted by Joanne Everett


1The coupon club continues to meet every 3rd Wednesday of the month at the Satellite Beach Library from 2 to 3 pm. Bring the coupons you are not using or flyers from the Sunday papers, and get the coupons you do need. Also we are accepting any expired coupons. They are taken to PAFB where they are mailed over to our soldiers stationed overseas. Our group consists of 8 to 10 members. Because
the group meets at the Library, it is also open to the public.


Florida Tech’s Lifelong Scholar Program lectures continue:

  • Sept. 8: Hurricane Season
  • Sept. 22: History of Rock and Roll
  • Oct. 13: Chemical Warfare
  • Oct. 27: Tracking Diseases
  • Nov. 10: Rating the Past U.S. Presidents (the good, bad and unbelievable!)
  • Dec. 8: Tour of the F.W. Olin Observatory

Go to this or call 321/674-8382 or email [email protected]


San Antonio Holiday – November 30, 2016. Enjoy City tour; San Jose Mission; El Mercado Marketplace; Alamo; Riverwalk Cruise; Hill County; LHJ Ranch Fiesta de Las Luminarias. Includes roundtrip air fare, 4 nights First Class Hotel, 6 meals, 4 breakfasts & 2 dinners. Motor coach transportation & professional tour director.

Extended Trips -Jill Blakeway 321/773-2080, [email protected]
Day Trips- position open


Insertion_Sept_P2There have been posts on social media regarding two men traveling in a blue Ford Expedition, approaching residents at their home in an attempt to solicit business for environmental products and in some instances storage units in Palm Bay.

Four police agencies in Brevard county have received complaints of this group of between two to four men, going door to door, behaving in a pushy manner and asking either to be let into the home or asking the resident to step outside the home to talk about the product they are promoting.

They have been reported to offer an American flag while pitching their product, and wear green hospital style scrubs as well. There has been no criminal activity reported regarding this group, however they do not possess a valid City of
Satellite Beach solicitor permit at this time and are not authorized to go door to door.

If you have any information or if you encounter any suspicious activity, please call the Satellite Beach Police Department at 321-773-4400.

Submitted by, Chief Jeff Pearson, S B Police Dept.