Category Archives: News


Mark your calendar for Monday, Oct. 10 from 9:30 to 10:30am. The VNA Assoc. will be offering flu & pneumonia shots at the Civic Center location during the time they offer sugar & blood pressure There is no out of pocket expense for those with Medicare & a variety of other insurance are accepted.


This continues to meet on the 2nd Friday of the month, but has moved their location to Bizzarro’s Pizza in Satellite Beach and NOT the DRS Community Center. Time & cost remain the same which is 10:00am – 1:00pm, $5/members $7/guests. Please direct any questions to Barbara at 321/773-3050.


Things are winding down for the summer, make sure you check your newsletter calendar as the dates and times of many of our regular programs may have changed to accommodate the young folk’s summer camps at Satellite Beach city facilities.

We have been very busy this year with several fun luncheons. Our sponsors educate us, and feed us well on the first Thursday of each month and our Entertainment Committee has out done themselves with many outstanding events. Travel is going places either by bus or plane; check the brochure rack at the DRS Community Center for future trips.

Again I remind you that we are all in this together. The 55+ Club is a joint venture and we must work together to make sure the Club continues to present its members with enjoyable activities and interesting and challenging programs. Like everything in life, you can only get out of it what you put in so with that said……. please come
forward and play your part! Help on one of our committees, make phone calls or write cards and letters or better yet, consider taking a seat on the Board. There is nothing mystical about the Board, it is made up of regular people, people like you and I! Enjoy your summer!

Thank you, Jill Blakeway, Chairperson

Fashion Show Recap

We would like to thank all of the people who came to our fashion show and to all of the ladies that helped make this event a success! Everyone enjoyed the food and games. The ladies did a great job choosing their outfits to model from Bon Worth. Thank you to Premier Jewelry for displaying their beautiful jewelry and big thanks for donating 20% of your proceeds to the club. The room was decorated in spring colors and the paper flowers that several club members made helped make the room look quite cheery. All and all we had a good time enjoying the fashions, great food and

Respectively submitted by, Joanne Everett.