Surprise! We received a call from a member who very much wants to start walking back up and volunteered to open/close the DRS Gym. Thank Judy Anttilla for stepping up! Walking will begin on Tues. Oct. 20 8:00-9:00am and Wed. Oct. 21 & Thurs. Oct 22 from 8:00 to 9:30am. Note the shorter time period on Tuesday. Current COVID guidelines will be followed. Judy can be reached at 321/777-8764 [email protected]
Pass the word!


Not long ago an email was sent to the club mailbox from a member, she writes:
“I just wanted to put it out there that if there is someone in our group that is alone with no family here and having a hard time being isolated with the virus situation, I am open to helping”.

Also, another club member asked this question:

“I’m a Club member looking for someone to make a small repair on each of 2 twin size crochet blankets done by my deceased sister. They are clean and in good shape except for the small repairs. I’m willing to pay or donate for the repairs as well as deliver/pickup, socially distant and wearing a mask. I don’t crochet and so want to pass her work along to her grand niece and nephew”.

For information on either of the above, contact me, Louise Stevenson and I will pass it on. My contact information is at the top of this message.


Some of the following information came too late for the newsletter.

The attached flyers include this information (click on the links below to download):

1. To help understand the Vote to Renew the Half Cent Sales Tax prior to our November 2020 Election
2. 2. Satellite Beach Woman’s Club will host a Virtual Zoom Political Forum to understand the local Candidates Platforms prior to our November 2020 Elections.
3. ZOOM Classes on:


I sent my granddaughters names in for the “Send your name to Mars” and received a cute, but fake, boarding pass.

SEND YOUR NAME TO MARS – Ever wanted to have your name on Mars? You now have the chance to do just that thanks through a program NASA has offered whereby people can make that happen simply by registering their names for free at mars.nasa.gov/participate/send-your-name/future

Those who register are also asked for their countries, postal code and e-mails. Previously there was a sign up for Mars 2020 mission, but that opportunity is closed. With that window closed, the new sign-up period will give those who register the chance to have their name on board a mission to Mars sometime in mid-2020’s, NASA says. There is no close date to the registration period as of yet. Those who register can pick up a boarding pass on this site and check their” frequent flyer miles! Thus far, as of July 24, there are more than 526,000 registrations made for people to have their names on board a mission to Mars.


We will continue to collect plastic only bottle caps. Caps that are marked with the numbers 2, 3 or 5’s are allowed. Currently Ocean Breeze Elementary gifted student program is participating in an Indiana-based recycling education program called ABC Promise. They are working to purchase benches for their school. It takes 200 lbs of caps and $250 for one bench. The Satellite Beach Lions Club is assisting the school with this project and hopes to bring this program to other local elementary schools. So, they will appreciate cap donations! Currently there is NO collection location for the caps. When a collection area develops, we will let you know. If you wish to join us with this endeavor, please save your plastic caps and make sure they are clean and void of any food residue.