Bunco meets the second Friday at NY Pizza Restaurant for July & August, back to DRS in Sept.

Chess or Cribbage are two great ways to keep your mind on its toes and enjoy some social time.

  • Chess – call Dick at 321/777-0255 or [email protected]
  • Cribbage – Call Jerry at 321/777-3460 or gnordling@

Craft & Book Club returns Sept. 3 with Crafts; and October 1 with the Book Club.

Dinner Gang meets July 1 at Red Ginger on Wickham call Barbara 773-3050. For Sept. 2nd call Floss at 773-6073.

Fishing Club meets the second Thurs. at 1:00pm at Pelican Beach Park pavilion. Back to the DRS in Sept.

Lunch Bunch meets the 3rd Wed., July & August call Barbara 773-3050. For Sept. call Laverne at 725-6610.

Mahjongg please call Barbara for location at 773-3050 as the summer schedule is a bit confusing.

Walking – 7:30-8:30am T-W-TH though Aug. 14th, returning to 8:00-10:00am on August 19th.