Extended Trips -Jill Blakeway 321/773-2080 jillB215@aol.com
Day Trips- position open.
Category Archives: News
Florida Tech’s Lifelong Scholar Program lectures continue. May 28: Origins of Earth’s Water; June 11: Safe Computing. June 25: Trends in Technology: Now, New and Next.: July 28: Behavioral Economics in NonHuman Primates. Go to this http://www.fit.edu/lifelongscholar-society/events.php or call 321/674-8382 or email pdpregistration@fit.edu
The book club will not meet June, July and August, but will resume in Sept. Some members will be joining the book club group
that meets at the Satellite Beach Library during these months. Contact Barbara’s Conkle at 779-4004 for information.
Satellite Beach Farmers Market continues weekly at Pelican Beach Park on Thursdays from 10am to 4pm. All items are hand made
or grown, nothing is mass produced. A wide variety of items are offered. Check it out!
Mark you calendar for Saturday April 30, 2016, 10:00 am to 2:00 pm at the Walgreen’s store on Highway A1A , in Satellite Beach. They will be accepting any and all expired or unwanted household and prescription medications you may have. Also, in case you don’t know, the Indian Harbour Beach Police Department now has a MedReturn Drug Collection Unit for the same purpose in their station lobby that you can use anytime 24/7.
The Beginner Line Dance Group is having a heck of a good time on Thursdays at 1pm at the DRS Community Center, $3 at the door. In May they will not meet on the 1st Thurs. of the month, however, in June, July & August they will meet ALL Thursdays of the month. Be sure you check them out! Call Trudy at 321/223-7249 for information. The smiles in the picture are genuine, proving they really DO have this much fun! The oldest student is 92 —- you’re never too old for line dancing!