Category Archives: News


As of this writing, we are still experiencing the effects of the COVID-19 shut down. The Satellite Beach Recreation Dept., located in the DRS Community Center, had been closed and did reopened in June with some modified summer programs. They are moving forward with a modified plan. It is anticipated that they will not, resume all activities at this time for a variety of reasons, the primary of which is health concerns. This affects several 55+ programs that meet at city facilities. We know it is challenging to come up with any plan. No plans are set in stone. We anticipate having to make multiple adjustments even once programs begin. It seems a prudent decision for programs for our senior population
to resume at a later date.

The 55+ Executive Board met and voted to at least wait until September to begin any 55+ activities. That being said, we still don’t know what the situation will be by then. As they say, “best laid plans”!

Since all 55+ Club activities are still canceled or postponed we didn’t see the need to add calendars to this issue. When everything gets back to normal, we are hoping that programs will continue on the same day and time as before. We will keep you updated. You can always find past calendars on the club website at

Notes From Our Sponsors

Ally Senior LivingAlly Senior Living is here to help answer questions regarding Covid-19 and senior communities. Brevard
Senior communities are accepting new residents. These communities are monitoring and responding to
federal, state, local and regional directives. As they are vigilant and proactive this allows for new resident
move-ins. Families are not able to tour, but all communities are providing virtual tours and videos for
families. We are collaboratively working with Brevard Senior communities to accommodate residents and

We are here for you.

We remain vigilant to fulfill our mission to support our patients and families alongside the medical community during this unpredictable time. Be encouraged and stay safe.

Best Regards, Kathleen Turnquist

Many seniors love to talk about their past and sharing stories with others. Social restrictions due to the coronavirus pandemic are making it more difficult seniors to get out of their houses and talk with others. The fear of getting the COVID-19 virus is real with seniors, but socialization is also critical to well being and mental health. Plan to “connect” with family and friends. Reach out to neighbors and check on each other. Don’t be shy, if you need medications, picked up, food and that very important commodity, toilet paper, ask for assistance. Schedule phone calls and if you have the ability use Face Time, skype or any other form of video conferencing. Ask, if you need instructions on any of these options. Send emails, texts and keep in touch via their favorite social media channel. With some ingenuity we can all stay connected during this difficult time.

One Senior Place in Brevard remains open. We are here to provide impartial advice and assistance if needed. We have nurses available for medication management and
advocacy. Or seniors can just call us to talk and share a story. Stay healthy.


Usually by this time of year if 2020 the $10 dues had not paid, those non-paid members would have been “inactivated” on our membership roster. Since we have not been able to access our data base, everyone is receiving the May/June issue. However, your dues are still due if you have not paid for 2020. Its best if you mail them to 1089 So. Patrick Dr., Satellite Beach, Fl.  32937, as postal mail is still being received at this address.

Remember, most members that have email are now receiving the newsletter that way though MailChimp’s secure server. If you are having difficulty receiving the newsletter in this manner please check your SPAM folder and add [email protected]  to your “Sender Contact” list to ensure continued delivery of our newsletter.

If you do not have an email, your newsletter will continue to be postal mailed to you.  If you do have an email address, but have requested the newsletter be mailed to you, we have made that change. In addition, also announcements for special events will be sent by this process.  Please help us save on postage while being environmentally more friendly reducing paper use.

Here’s a few quotes and quips:

This one is from Jennifer Helin of Seniors Helping Seniors

  • That moment when you’re worried about the elderly and realize that you are the elderly!

Take care of yourselves,
Jennifer Helin, Owner

  •  “I am a firm believer in the people. If given the truth, they can be depended upon to meet any national crisis. The great point is to bring them the real facts.” Abraham Lincoln
  • If we shouldn’t eat at night, why is there a light in the fridge?
  • Crises are part of life. Everybody has to face them, and it doesn’t make any difference what the crisis is.” Jack Nicklaus
  • I did a push-up today.  Well, actually I fell down. But I had to use my arms to get back up so.. You know, Close enough.  I need some chocolate!
  • “In prehistoric times, mankind often had only two choices in crisis situations: fight or flee. In modern times, humor offers us a third alternative; fight, flee – or laugh.” Robert Orben
  • The more you weight the harder you are to kidnap. Stay safe, eat cake!
  • “When written in Chinese, the word crisis is composed of two characters — one represents danger, and the other represents opportunity.” John F. Kennedy
  • All My life I thought air was free…until I bought a bag of chips!
  • First time in history we can save the human race by lying in front of the T.V. and doing nothing. Let’s not screw this up!
  • Gratitude and attitude are not challenges, they are choices
  • “No one is perfect – that’s why pencils have erasers.” …
  • “You’re braver than you believe, and stronger than you seem, and smarter than you think.” Winnie the Pooh
  • “People say nothing is impossible, but I do nothing every day”

Do you have any interesting or funny pictures taken during this stay at home?  Or maybe a funny or interesting story?   Also share with us what you have been doing at home. You are also welcome to send any encouraging messages. If so, please share them with Louise S. [email protected] and we will add them to our Facebook page.

Check out our photo album on Facebook!



Why not share this information with members who don’t have email access – print it for them!

Louise Stevenson, Vice President, Newsletter & Membership


We know you have heard them talk about this virus over and over again, but I saw this and just thought I’d share.
(using a fictitious name)

  • Sally got infected yesterday, she does not realize it and she won’t know for sure until 14 days later when she has symptoms.
  • Sally of course “thinks” she’s still healthy, but by not social distancing she may have infected 10 persons per day
  • These 10 persons think they are ok, they go on to travel, go shopping and as a result they may infect 100 persons.
  • These 100 persons think they are healthy but may be infecting 1000 persons.
  • No one knows who is ok or who can infect you

This is why we have been asked to social distance and stay at home.



Tons of phony IRS calls have started during this world crisis! Phony IRS calls wanting your bank account number to deposit your $1200.00. Calls to send you groceries, face masks, disinfecting products and the list goes on. Emails are coming in for the same and some are saying that your bank account has been accessed many times by an unknown user and it is asking you to “click here” to reset your access codes.

Don’t fall for it! Police say the IRS will not call you and you should never give out any personal information over the phone or by email to anyone. As soon as you open on one of those fake messages, you may have been hacked! Please watch out for these and any scam. If it seems too good to be true, then it isn’t! If it seems odd or questionable, then it is! You can always call the agency to check OR better yet, call your local police non-emergency phone number – they will be happy to help you.

In our home, it has become a running joke between my husband and I about phone calls we both receive in regard to installing a wireless security system or our vehicle warranty has run out. When we get these calls, we block the phone number. Only to receive another call for the same subject from a different phone number! They must have a thousand different phone numbers! Also beware of calls you may receive with someone asking you, for example “Is this Mrs. Smith”? Don’t say the word “Yes”. Instead ask who’s calling, then you can hang up. Also, if you get a real person during a solicitation call, you can say “take me off your calling list”. By law, they are supposed to.

Emails come in about our Wells Fargo bank account or our Chase Visa card. Neither of us has a Wells Fargo account OR a Chase Card. If you look at those emails carefully, you’ll see several type-o’s and usually the sender email address is some obscure one and not official. If you happen to bank at Wells Fargo or have a Chase card and are questioning the validity, just call them directly and ask.

Please be careful!